Have any of you with Crohns or IBS found a natural way to treat it instead of medication?!

Question: Have any of you with Crohns or IBS found a natural way to treat it instead of medication!?
Like have you gone to an herbologist or homeopath and had any luck!?Www@Youqa@Cn

You might try enteric coated peppermint oil capsules (Peppermint Plus from Enzymatic Therapy)!. I have helped a large number of IBS sufferers with this supplement!.
also, get and read a copy of 'Digestive Wellness' by Elizabeth Lipski!. It is full of good sound professional advice and tips on how to deal with inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn's!.
Good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

Peppermint tea generally is helpful for relieving symptoms like bloating and cramps!.

For an overall treatment, a diet of raw fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, and raw nuts and seeds has been shown to be very helpful!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Stay away from the fatty foods!. Lots of teas!. wild Sweet orange tea (starbucks) is amazing!. There's a cook book deveoted to IBS at books a million!.Www@Youqa@Cn

There are many things that can be causing it and it is helpful to get that figured out - bad diets, food allergies, hormones, candida, other parasites or viruses!.

I used this guys system and found it really helpful!.

I also work with a Naturopath!. I highly recommend it!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I have heard from some people that experience relief from Aloe Vera gel and/or Probiotics for both IBS and Crohns!. This may not work for everyone, and you should still maintain a proper and healthy diet to minimize any impact!.
Aloe Vera literally soothes any tissues it touches, so when you swallow it, it will soothe and help to heal all the tissues between your mouth, stomach, intestines and your anus!.
Probiotics help absorb nutrient in your intestinal tract and help to maintain a healthy internal ecology!.
On a side note, I've heard some people with IBS that also get benefits from a good enzyme complex!.

In any case, if you consult a doctor for this, I would definitely recommend telling your doctor what you're taking (if nothing else, to make sure they won't interfere with any treatments they may be looking at)!. If your doctor doesn't believe in supplements or is negative towards you taking them, you may want to consult another doctor!.!.!. but that's your choice!. Good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

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