What are some herbs to treat Hydrocephalus?!

Question: What are some herbs to treat Hydrocephalus!?
My grandfather has had hydrocephalus (water on the brain) for over a year and has been drained several times!. He can't have a shunt implanted because of a weak heart!. I have heard that mugwort is used to treat hydrocephalus but can't seem to get any information on it!. Do you know how this herb can influence it!? What are some other herbs we can look at to improve the condition!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Cranial Sacral Therapy!. I personally know people who's hydrocephalus has gone away completely! They are babies, but I know this is safe for the elderly too!. I would highly recommend it!. For a therapist in your area you can try upledger!.com Good luck and best wishes!Www@Youqa@Cn

This medical condition is not helped by herbs!. Sorry!. Because your grandfather has had this for a while, including a bad heart, he is on lots of medicines!. Herbs are good for helping to keep healthy people healthy, and to help overcome a minor illness or disease!. Herbs cannot cure someone who has had illness and disease for an extended period of time as irreversible damage has usually been done!. Using herbs at this point in his life might mess up his medicines by double-dosing, causing more serious side-effects!. I'm sorry because I know this is not what you want to hear!. I used to be a pharmacy tech and am now an herbalist!. If there was something I could recommend, I would!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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