Where is a good place to buy Tea Tree Oil?!

Question: Where is a good place to buy Tea Tree Oil!?
My son has egzma and somebody suggest tea tree oil-I hope Im spelling it right!. Is it expensive!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Depending on your son's age this could be really bad advice!. Do not use any essential oils - including Tea Tree Oil - on or around pregnant women, babies and young children up to 6 or 7 years!.

Use Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) instead!. It has the same properties and is much safer to use as it is not an essential oil and does not affect the nervous system or the hormonal system like essential oils!. Good GSE has 33% extract in plant glycerine!.

Dilute 20 drops of GSE in an eggcup of olive oil f!. ex!. and dab the affected area with cotton wool dipped in the oil 2 or 3 times a day until all has disappeared!.

Wishing you and your son all the best!Www@Youqa@Cn

Tea tree oil comes in a very small dropper type glass jar!.!.!.it is not cheap but goes a long long way!. You can find it in the vitamin supplement area at Walmart,Walgreens[near lotions,acne stuff] or any Health store!. Tea tree oil has many uses, it is strong, odor is strong too, if your son is young, try to be caustious that he does not get it into his eyes or mucous membranes[lips,mouthetc]!. You may also want to check out some of the Aveeno products which work quite well & possibly speak with your local pharmacist, they can advise & be very helpful! Take care~Www@Youqa@Cn

It is a little pricey (I found it for $10 for a one fl!. oz!. bottle), but a little does go a very long way!. I found it at H-E-B, though I understand it's a very regionally-restricted chain!.

I don't know anything about using it with children, but it helped tremendously to clear up an infection after I had my cartilage pierced!. As a sidenote, while the scent is very strong, it isn't necessarily unpleasant!Www@Youqa@Cn

www!.swansonsvitamins!.com 4oz $9!.99Www@Youqa@Cn

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