Pot, Cannabis, Weed, the like.?!

Question: Pot, Cannabis, Weed, the like!.!?
What are your beliefs on it!?
Yes, i do mean the drug!.

Some people see it as no more than a vile thing that damns it's user to your place of religious punishment and will turn a person into somebody the never knew!.

Others see it as somthing that helps, Relieves, and soothes it's user!. The only real dangers being that of stupidity, Driving whilst high, the equalvalent being driving while drunk!.

There are people in their eighties that have never succumbed to cancer, addiction, or any of those bad things listed of it!. While on the other hand, people can be hooked after one hit, jailed for it, and even killed by it (I dont know how, but there are cases of people dying after a recent first hit)!.

So, how do you feel on the Controversial subject!?
Bad and none else!?
Or somthing, that when used responsibly, is a great recreational thing!?Www@Youqa@Cn

This is a subject I have had to deal with a lot, as my current ex is a very heavy pot smoker, most of my previous exes were smokers and my best friend was also!.

I think it comes down to where your headspace is at to begin with!.

I have always been ok with it!. Most of my friends smoke it occasionally or regularly with no apparent problems!. Except for my best friend who went into a pot-induced psychosis that lasted a few months and was terrifying for me!. My ex, like my best friend, was paranoid (and unless you have been around a truly paranoid person, you can't understand how hard it is to deal with) and ashe smoked more he became the stereotypical slacker!.

To him, work was negotiable, hence he didn't keep a job for very long!. He lived on lollies and soft drinks and home delivery pizza!. He sat on his *ss and played on the Playstation all day long!. He wouldn't get to bed until crazy hours of the night and his immune system was almost non-existent!.

I saw the decline correlate with his increase in marijuana consumption!. Same with my best friend!. My ex and I broke up (obviously, he's my ex!) but I my best friend cut down her pot consumption and now, 8 years later, she is so different!. She's the friend I used to have before she became addicted!.

Don't ever believe anyone who says marijuana is not addictive!. To some people, it is!. The same way some people should never drink alcohol because of how they become, some people should never smoke pot!.

That said, I might share a party joint every few months but even I notice it 'dumbs' me down and it takes a few days before my brain feels fully functional again!.

My point of view is, if you HAVE to have it, if it pops into your head as a solution for stress or you can't refuse it if it's offered (or just never refuse it if it's offered) - just be careful, you could have a potential for addiction!.

It can ruin lives!. I was at the other end and I can tell you how heartbreaking it is to have someone you love and have them choose MaryJane over you!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I think it is good for your mental health, and good for your physical health, used in small amounts!.
It's a wonderful recreation!!

I smoke marijuana one time every month!. That way I don't have to smoke much to feel it, my system is always pure, and I don't let it begin to control me!.

I think anything can be done to excess!. (Wine with dinner vs binge drinking spring break) People who sit on their a ss all day and smoke marijuana and remain in a constant state of stupidity are overdoing it!. There is no reason, and this is wasteful and lazy!.

I smoke, laugh with my friends, and that night I sleep like a baby!. The next day I feel refreshed, and then I go on with my life!. This kind of use is okay in my ideas!.

Medicinal use is absolutely something I condone!. Sick people need relief, and marijuana has VERY few side affects, and is not addictive like other drugs!.
It's actually illegal due to racism and pharmaceutical companies!. Research it for yourself!.

I think it's a wonderful thing, when used properly!.Www@Youqa@Cn

used responsibly its ok, alcohol is much more dangerous and poisonous and thats legal under certain restrictions pot should be the sameWww@Youqa@Cn

It's illegal for a reason!. It's additive like any other drug and the smoke is worse for you than cigarette smoke because there's no filters!. also you never know what is being mixed with it because it's not regulated by the FDA!. Occassionally you'll hear of people getting marijuana that is laced with formaldahyde (the stuff they embalm people with) and those people died!. It prevents people from getting jobs and people have gotten fired for testing positive!. Is it worth it!? Nope!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Regulate it like alcohol!. Alcohol is way worse!. I have never heard of anyone dying from smoking weed, or ruining their lives!. It should be a personal decision!. I have never heard of it being addictive and the gateway drug thing is B!.S!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Well, first off, pot is not addictive!. Anyone who says otherwise has never tried it, period!. I began smoking back when I was 20 or so, my neurologist said it would be good for alleviating the pain and nausea associated with my migraines!. I did use recreationally, too, though, and except for being a little more susceptible to cold season, I had no other health issues!. I stopped when I was 28 and got pregnant with my daughter, and I NEVER went through any withdrawals; honestly, I missed drinking coffee a million times more than the weed!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Such a shame they will most likely delete this question!.It is something, that when used responsibly, is a great recreational thing and also a great pain killer for many!? Such a shame it is so controversial!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Sorry, potheads!.!.!.it is illegal, psychologically addictive, and a gateway drug!. Perhaps not in and of itself, but when you surround yourself with a "pot is OK" attitude, you're going to end up in a "try these shrooms" or "try a bump of this" atmosphere at some point!. Don't be so absolutistic and narrow-minded!. Generally, with rare exceptions, (GENERALLY, don't get defensive) pot smokers are underachieving slackers, and are hard-pressed to change their ways!. Sure, something to check out in HS/college, but life can be enjoyed to the fullest without ever touching it!.Www@Youqa@Cn

i would not use it! it may feel good and fun at first, but when you become addicted, it will ruin your life!. people lose their jobs and job opportunitys become hopeless, just stay away from itWww@Youqa@Cn

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