Is there a good natural alternative to Concerta??!

Question: Is there a good natural alternative to Concerta!?!?
I want to have the Doctor take my daughtrer (15) off of the drug Concerta !.!.used for treating ADD !.!.!. she takes 72 mg daily, i feel this is not good at all, i am very worried!.!.but she needs somthing to help her be more alert !.!. any suggestions would be appreciated!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Go to Google search & type in "children alternative medication" the lists are endless!. Hope you get your daughter off that stuff soon!. You do know that it's a schedule 2 psycotrop drug , right!? That means it's put in the same category as COCAINE! Yeah, thats right!. Your kids gettin' nice & high every day!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I'm 15, its not a big deal!. I took adderall 20 mg!. not bad at all, no bad side affects!. Try focalin!. it was the best ive ever taken!.Concerta is bull, it didnt work at all!. I'm telling you, Focalin or Adderall!. Focalin is probably better for her!. Take care!Www@Youqa@Cn

There is actually a newer ADD drug on the market, Vyvanase, which is time released and is not supposed to have all the side effects of Concerta, Ritalin, etc!.

Strattera, a non-narcotic ADD medication, is also a good alternative for some people!.

As far as a natural alternative, I'm not so sure!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I am no doctor, but have a lot of friends that have attention defecit and a lot of them take Adderall!. It really keeps you concentrated and makes students put their best efforts into their school work!. Some downfalls of it is that it may cause sleeplessness or loss of apetite, so you might want to talk to your doctor about it!.Www@Youqa@Cn

yes you have all of the good medicinefor ADD, sorry i can't thing of one!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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