Sick sick boyfriend?!

Question: Sick sick boyfriend!?
So my boyfriend is really really really sick!. He has been for a while, he's got coughing and the episode before this one he was spitting up blood!. :/ He was throwing up earlier this morning but he's doing better now and still has a horrible cough!. His chest hurts and he can't finish practice (English Sword Fighting)!. He could barely breathe and is always short of breath!.!.!.anitbiotics aren't doing anything for him!. He went back to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and she said "Weren't you just here!?" he said "Yes, a couple of months ago!. I haven't been getting better!." She told him not to come back!. He hates the doctors so I'm wondering anything homeopathic can help!. I suspected whooping cough after I saw on the news a while ago that the vaccination can wear off (yes it's been going on for that long) and he hasn't talked to his doctor about it!. But like I said, anything homeopathic in the mean time!?Www@Youqa@Cn

First off he needs to see a new doctor, any doctor that says "don't come back" should not have a medical license!. He needs someone to dig deeper to find out what the problem is!. The blood may be due to damaged lung tissue or throat from the coughing, but also could be something more serious!.
If he is experiencing a dry hacking cough, it could be pneumonia or a cancer!. If it is a raspy cough, like from the chest then it could be bronchitis or any number of lung infections!.
The respiratory systems is very delicate and the only way to find out for sure is if his doctor orders a CT scan, or at least an xray!. If anti-biotics hasn't cleared him up I don't think homeopathic will be strong enough to get him thru this!.
In saying that, I will give you some remedies for lung infections, but he really needs to be seen by a new doctor!.
Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic, as is goldenseal and colloidal silver!.
Licorice root will help soothe the lungs as well and help expel phlegm!. I just don't feel confident that these will help him!. It sounds like his whole immune system is in need of adjustment!. Please see that he sees a dr!. soon!.

Edit: ok!.!. sorry, I misunderstood and in re-reading I see you are looking for a soother until such time he sees a new dr!. There is a product he can use to help him!. This product will:
Ease throat and chest discomfort and irritation

Soothe an irritable tickly throat

Help to keep chests free of phlegm and congestion

Promote relaxation and peaceful sleep

Promote a healthy immune system

Its a herb called Hyssopus Officinalis (Hyssop) you can get it at any health food store!. It may come in combination of a tincture of other immune enhancing homeopathics!. also apples!.!. apples soothe the lungs!.!. he should drink several glasses a day!.Www@Youqa@Cn


His doctor should NEVER have told him to not come back!. He needs to find a new doctor and get some tests run asap!.Www@Youqa@Cn

awww!.!.!.!. *Sob sob* sad!.!.!.!. i know u'll get some awnsers cause i no theres some docs on here!.!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I honestly have no idea, but if he's coughing up blood, shouldn't he go to the hospital!?Www@Youqa@Cn

He has to go back to a doctor try a different doctor he needs medicine and it is taking longer these days to get over the common cold or bronchitis or it could turn into something elseWww@Youqa@Cn

My friend had the same thing and it was strep throat!.
He definetly needs a new doctor it's weird that she told him that!.Www@Youqa@Cn

He needs to find a NEW DOCTOR and FAST!. Could be any number of things including lung cancer!. Don't put seeing another Doctor off!.Www@Youqa@Cn

If that's a cancer it will be a bit difficult to deal with!.
I'm assuming from how this is written that you need to balance out how likely something is to help him with how expensive/hard it will be to do!.
Given that and looking at all the symptoms, I'd recommend doing the following in order to see if any help!.
If none do, it's probably a cancer, but odds are over 90% it's something else!.

#1 Drink hot green tea a lot!.
#2 Gargle H2O2/Hydrogen peroxide (3!.5% you buy in the store)!.
#3 Breath from a steamer (ideally done with water which has been filter for chlorine, since otherwis ethe VOC's will be very strong irritants)!.
#4 Buy some food grade hydrogen peroxide (35%) online and drink a few drops of it per day mixed into water away from meals (generally starts at 3 drops and gradually works up to 8)!.
#5 Breath from a steamer which has the 35% peroxide mixed into it (coming out to a concentration of about !.2%)

If the first 5 don't work then he probably has a very unusual condition or a cancer and there isn't another option besides seeing a skilled doctor!. However, if he has what I think he has, those 5 things I said will definitely fix it!. Food grade peroxide takes about a week to arrive in the mail, so if you want to pursue this path I'd get started soon!

hope that helps!Www@Youqa@Cn

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