I have chrohn's colitis and am experiencing severe flare ups at the moment, can change in diet help?!

Question: I have chrohn's colitis and am experiencing severe flare ups at the moment, can change in diet help!?
i am currently living with the condition and have heard a lot of reports recently suggest simple changes in your diet can ease or completely eliminate the symptoms like the stomach cramps and excessive trips to the bathroom!. does anyone out there suffer from the same illness and have you tried dietary changes and have they worked!? i am at my wits end and want to take control!. is there any particular foods or supplements i can take to severely reduce my symptoms!.

I have heard from some people that experience relief from Aloe Vera gel and/or Probiotics for both IBS and Crohns!. This may not work for everyone, and you should still maintain a proper and healthy diet to minimize any impact!.
Aloe Vera literally soothes any tissues it touches, so when you swallow it, it will soothe and help to heal all the tissues between your mouth, stomach, intestines and your anus!.
Probiotics help absorb nutrient in your intestinal tract and help to maintain a healthy internal ecology!.

In any case, if you consult a doctor for this, I would definitely recommend telling your doctor what you're taking (if nothing else, to make sure they won't interfere with any treatments they may be looking at)!. If your doctor doesn't believe in supplements or is negative towards you taking them, you may want to consult another doctor!.!.!. but that's your choice!. Good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

I have dealt with crohn's for 50 years, and I have never found that diet will change a thing with flareups, what diet will do is go a long way to preventing them!. But once you have a flare up, it's time to see the doctor!. Then, once you have the flare up under control, there are multiple websites that can guide you to finding the dietary path for you that will prevent further flare ups!. good luck to you!.Www@Youqa@Cn

my brother has crohn's - avoid nuts, seeds, skin on fruits or vegetables - plus make sure all vegetables are really cooked - nothing raw!. Hope this helps!Www@Youqa@Cn

Not only is raw food not to be avoided, but it can be an actual cure!.

Many people who suffer from Chrohn's have been helped or cured by a raw food diet!.


also, peppermint tea is quite helpful with reducing bloating and cramps!.

Best of luck-Www@Youqa@Cn

Research real milk and chroans!.!.Real milk helps this alot, as well as allergies!.!.also, check out the link between chroans and candida!.!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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