Is it possible to get a Marijuana hangover?!

Question: Is it possible to get a Marijuana hangover!?
I smoked on friday and was high for 5 hours!. But I still couldn't concentrate on anything!. It was like my body was moving and my mind couldn't catch up!. I'd walk from the house to the outside and then wonder what I was doing out there!. Is this typical or was something else in my weed!? Is it possible that my medication could have interracted and is causing this!?
i take orap 1mg
inderal -30mg
cogentin- 1mgWww@Youqa@Cn

In my experience the effects of marijuana always lasted several days, and after prolonged smoking took weeks to months to really wear off!.
That's why I stopped - got tired of feeling like my head was stuffed with cotton wool all the time (and forgetting every f*in thing too)!.Www@Youqa@Cn

could be a reaction with your meds!.but, you can most certainly have a marijuana hangover!. it can be tested by blood sample up to thirty days, but if they take a hair from your head, it can come up positive for monthsWww@Youqa@Cn

no you can not get a hang over from mj!.!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Marijuana stays in your system for 30 days!. Yes, you can have a marijuana "hangover"!.Www@Youqa@Cn

That's typical with weed!.!.!.!.especially the whole "what was I doing!?" thing!. It's ok!.Www@Youqa@Cn

A weed high, unless ingested, will usually never last that long, so either had some other crap in your weed, or it was your medsWww@Youqa@Cn

That is stupid illegal and unhealthy! ew you are gross!.Www@Youqa@Cn

yes you can get a marijuana hangover, and yes you could be getting some interaction with your medications!.

I sometimes get a headache and feel groggy the next day if I overindulged!.

It maybe that you got a stronger variety of weed than your are used to or that it was adulterated with something else!.Www@Youqa@Cn

STOP SMOKING WEED! what your feeling is a near death experience! weed can and will kill you!!! it will screw up everything in your life!!! STOP SMOKING IT!!! JUST STOP! DON'T BE ANOTHER STUPID DRUG ATTIC!! i lost my best friend to weed, even that changed my life FOREVER!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Sounds like you just need to smoke again!. Hope that helps, just kidding!.Www@Youqa@Cn

its possible!.but maybe you dont smoke that much and your tolerance is still low!.or maybe you smoked some good ****Www@Youqa@Cn

Sweet heart I have been smoking pot for some 30+ oddyears and have never suffered what you call a marijuana hangover what you smoked must of been some real potent stuff, I bet you were just tripping your @ss off lol HEY Fire up another one you'll be alright lolWww@Youqa@Cn

haha naww you can't get a hangover from that!.
you were proabably just extremely high the day before and it all just didnt ware off or something!.
it's happened to me a lot of times, like the next day you'll just be completley out of it and lost!.
sooo don't worrry :)
keeep smokin that mj!. hahahaWww@Youqa@Cn

Sure, anything can make you feel run down, next time
before firing the bong up, eat something!.Www@Youqa@Cn

It's probably from your meds!. Maybe you smoked too much!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Idk about the marijuana hangover, I mean I've been pretty ****** up the night before and felt really drowsy the next boring but it's not bad!.
Sounds like you had a killer time man loll
Yay for mjWww@Youqa@Cn

It's not normal to remain high for 5 hours after smoking!. I usually only stay high for an hour or two, and the maximum is about 4 hours!. I've never experienced a "marijuana hangover" and I've been smoking daily for years!.

Yeah, some STUPID girl above me says marijuana can and will kill you!. The only possible way to die from marijuana is to smoke about 20-40 joints every single day for about 25-40 years and then perhaps you will succumb to lung cancer which will eventually end your life!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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