Has anyone here ever had a diagnosis from a Chinese Medicine practitioner?!

Question: Has anyone here ever had a diagnosis from a Chinese Medicine practitioner!?
Does anyone know how much it costs just for the diagnosis!? And if you got the treatment, did it actually work!?Www@Youqa@Cn

the above poster only mentioned acupuncture but there are many other chinese medical practices aside from acupuncture!. that is just the most widely known!. Ive never been diagnosed by a chinese medical doctor, but i know a chinese woman whose husband is one and he helped my mother with her carpel tunnel!. gave her these little stick pads that go onto her hands and arms and they worked really well at combating the pain and numbness in her arms!. she doesnt need them now because she eventually was able to get approved for surgery!. but she highly recommends chinese medicine and whenever i have a problem she says i should go to one!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I have been diagnosed and treated by a Chinese medical practitioner and it works extremely well!. Better than a medical doctor!. Acupuncture is great and it really doesn't hurt at all!. The price of it is anybodies guess as it has been a long time since I had mine done!. Call them up and see what their prices are like-it will be worth every penny of it! Good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

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