
As you don't have a million to blow on this i will not take up your challenge!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Hun, no one is really going to get the money but you!. (if u even have it) HEY i bet you no one is going to win the money!.Www@Youqa@Cn

An Aspirin is a homoeopathic medicine !.!.!.!.!.

We just think as it as a 'Man made Medicine' because it is produced by the large Pharmaceutical Company's!.

Can I have my Million Pounds now please !?

Do you know how to use spell checker !?Www@Youqa@Cn

One doesnt make a bet that large unless you know your going to win! Homeopathic medicine has never been proven and he knows it! :o)Www@Youqa@Cn

Homeopathy is the biggest scam since religion and GW Bush!.

Your million pounds is safe!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Violation King: do you even know what homeopathy is!?

- is not diluted to the point that there is no active ingredient
- does not cause the symptoms it cures
- is not required to be shaken
- is not made stronger by dilution
and most importantly
- has passed numerous clinical trials showing efficacy for the conditions it claims to treat

Hence there is nothing remotely homeoquackic about it!.

Typical idiotic comment from an altmed fanatasist!.Www@Youqa@Cn

The people who historically explored homoeopathy were intelligent people!. Some of them were doctors and because allopathic remedies did not work, they explored other avenues!.

When homoeopathic remedies are tested, no one can find any evidence of what they contain!. Apparently it is because the water which is used to dilute has a memory and this cannot be tested!. I wish that I understood this!.

If an experienced homoeopath is used there can be fantastic results!. I HAD an under active thyroid, I have medical insurance, consequently I was able to consult experts!. I was so weak that I had problems walking around my bed to straighted the duvet and I needed to support myself my leaning on the furniture to walk around the house!. I was examined and had tests by experts in this field!. I was told that there was nothing that could help me!.

I found an unconventional homoeopath who mixes several remedies in one tablet and now I don't have an under active thyroid!. The placebo effects of homoeopathy may help in some cases, however blood tests don't lie!.

With simple acute problems, I use homoeopathy on my dogs!. I have explained to them about placebo effects and the fact that some people don't believe that it works!. OK this is not a double blind test because I know what I am giving them!. I has helped my dogs and it has restored my life!.

Forget a contol group with double blind tests!. Who would pay for this!?, homepathic remedies are cheap and there is no one who could pay for the tests!.Www@Youqa@Cn

From what i recall, after watching the Horizon program giving James Randi a nice platform to stand on, the double blind tests which homeopathy 'failed' weren't about people being given a homeopathic remedy against a control group, it was a homeopathic remedy applied to a specific organic process (not a patient) compared to a control process where water was applied!.
Maybe humans are more complicated than 1 organic process!.
Perhaps homeopathy affects another process which leads onto affecting that organic process!.

The evidence for Homeopathy under the reductionist double blind trials is weak and I'm not entirely sold on it!. However, as I have said repeatedly, the model used in experimentation is flawed but for some reason sold as perfect and flawless!.

For what its worth I don't think anyone else has come up with a better model but I think we should be looking at improving the experimental model rather than trying to prove or disprove things using a model which has been shown to be flawed and is incomplete!.

The bottom line is you can debate whether homeopathys is effective till the cows come home!. Whatever testing indicates IT IS EFFECIVE FOR MANY PEOPLE!.
Whether or not this is PLACEBO or not is again debateable but if homeopathy is especially good at enhancing the placebo effect shouldn't we be looking at why and what happens physiologically!?

Why is it so important for no beleivers to be so evangelical in their belief that homeopathy or altmed is quackery!?
Do non beleivers have to visit them!?
What difference does it make to those non beleivers!?
If people want to spend money in a way that is perceived as wasteful and are happy to do so, it's their money!.

I don't understand why people spend small fortunes on designer items when far more reasonably priced alternatives of the same quality can be purchased!. To me this is like throwing money down the drain!. I don't have to do this myself so I don't really care!.
I certainly don't start threads on questions and answers pages on it, I've got much better things to do with my life!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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