Ear Stapling?!

Question: Ear Stapling!?
Has anyone had their ear stapled for weight loss, and did it work!? Where can I have it done in the Dayton, OH area!?Www@Youqa@Cn

it can work if the staple is in the exact right spot!. it works on the chinese meridian chart!. google it and you might find more info!. but you cant get your ear stapled and think, "wow im gonna lose a bunch of weight now!." sorry it doesnt work like that!.!.!.!. you still have to eat healthy and excersize!.Www@Youqa@Cn

i never heard of thatWww@Youqa@Cn

Look up acupuctursts in your area!. If you are wanting an alternative method, get hypnotherapy as well!. This will help with your subconscious food desires!. Change your eating habits, eat healthy foods and get busy, busy with ecercise!. It will take your mind off food, and help support your weight loss process!.Www@Youqa@Cn

it's like hypnosis!.!.!. it might work or not, you still have to work on your eating and exercise!. sorryWww@Youqa@Cn

It will work if you add exercise and watch your diet!. Of course, you don't need to get your ear "stapled" to lose weight IF you exercise and watch your diet!.

(Hint: the stapling does NOTHING to help!.)Www@Youqa@Cn

It's a scam!. It doesn't work!. Save your money, and your earlobe!.

It's derivative of auricular acupuncture, which in turn is derivative of regular acupuncture which of course is complete bullshit!. See some of my other answers today for details on why it is complete bullshit!.

There is not a shred of credible evidence that it does anything!. I challenge any of those who will be giving me a thumbs down to show me a proper study!.

The secret to weight loss is burn off more energy than you take in!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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