What is robotussin? what is it used for? is there any side effects for drinking it? if so tell them?!

Question: What is robotussin!? what is it used for!? is there any side effects for drinking it!? if so tell them!?
t is a cough suppressant in liquid form usually flavored!. It contains diphenhydramine which tends to make you drowsy!. As a sidenote YOU CAN OVERDOSE ON THIS TO THE POINT OF COMA/DEATH !! This may be an otc med!. but it is much abused!. Use as directed period(READ LABEL /FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS)If in doubt consult your pharmacist or Dr!. ! If an RX is written by a Dr!. it can also contain codeine!.(Very addictive)

nice Q asad (im being like u know)

give me best answerWww@Youqa@Cn

It is a cough suppressant in liquid form usually flavored!. It contains diphenhydramine which tends to make you drowsy!. As a sidenote YOU CAN OVERDOSE ON THIS TO THE POINT OF COMA/DEATH !! This may be an otc med!. but it is much abused!. Use as directed period(READ LABEL /FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS)If in doubt consult your pharmacist or Dr!. ! If an RX is written by a Dr!. it can also contain codeine!.(Very addictive)Www@Youqa@Cn

Robitussin is a cough suppressant!. The active drug is dextromethorphan!. Side effects include nausea, dizziness, and sedation!.Www@Youqa@Cn

"When I was a kid, I had to be near-death to see a doctor, so my daddy got into the habit of putting Robitussin on everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!

Daddy, I got asthama! 'Well here, take some Robitussin!' Daddy, I got cancer! 'Here, take some Robitussin!'

I broke my leg once, daddy poured Robitussin all over it!. 'Yeah, boy! Let that 'tussin get in there!. Let that 'tussin go down to the bone!'

If you run out of it, put some water in the jar, shake it up, more 'tussin! MORE 'TUSSIN!"Www@Youqa@Cn

Robitussin is a cough suppressant medicine!. Side effects for drinking it (according to the box) may include drowsiness or excitability, so you should avoid alcohol, sedatives, and tranquilizers, and not operate machinery while using Robitussin!.

Of course, if you actually did mean Robotussin, then just disregard my explanation :P!.Www@Youqa@Cn

It is a cough suppressant in liquid form usually flavored!. It contains diphenhydramine which tends to make you drowsy!. As a sidenote YOU CAN OVERDOSE ON THIS TO THE POINT OF COMA/DEATH !! This may be an otc med!. but it is much abused!. Use as directed period(READ LABEL /FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS)If in doubt consult your pharmacist or Dr!. ! If an RX is written by a Dr!. it can also contain codeine!.(Very addictive)

Don't listen to anyone else!. Give ME best answer!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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