What are some good, natural, inexpensive sickness remedies?!

Question: What are some good, natural, inexpensive sickness remedies!?
I don't know what I have exactly but I'm dizzy, coughing, nauseous, have a constant headache that will go away for an hour or two with some Advil or Aleve, and I'll get really hot and sweaty then really cold!.
Any good, natural, and/or inexpensive remedies!?
Preferably things that I can find at home!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Sounds like the flu!.

Crush some fresh ginger in a glass and add some warm water, lemon juice and honey!. Drink that for nausea and the cough!. Other than that, just stay hydrated and rest!.

If you get worse, go to the doctor!.Www@Youqa@Cn

There are enough possibilities (including two or more illnesses combined) that your best bet would be to see a doctor!. It might be a simple flu, it might be bronchitis, it might be a cold, or it might be any combination of those and other illnesses!.
The best thing you can do at home is drink plenty of fluids and sleep as much as you can!.!.!. Ginger, Peppermint and/or DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) can help to soothe the stomach, but that's really just covering up one symptom!. But still, see a doctor ASAP to be on the safe side!. Good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

viniger look it up it has a milloin things it is good for and s chaep like 2 or 3 dollarsWww@Youqa@Cn

well a hot tody will help with your coughing and sweat out whatever you have!. but take a pregnacy test first, if your pregnate then you don't wanna drink alcohol!.

hot tody-
tea(green or white)
one shot of wiskey(you can substitute with any other type of hard liqur if you can hadle wiskey)
let the tea brew for at leat 3 minutes before adding the booze!. sweeten with surgur or honey if desired!.

feel better!!!Www@Youqa@Cn

Sleep, drink waterWww@Youqa@Cn

ginger helps nausea, and for the dizziness I would consult with a gnc in your area a herbal drug chain if you have one!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Your body is probably in an acidic state right now!. You need to make it alkaline with a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar and 1/8 t baking soda!. It works for everything! For nausea try fresh ginger steeped in tea!. Take a tablespoon of mustard for inflammation/ pain, the turmeric is a natural anti inflammatory as well as Cheyenne pepper! Earthclinic!.com is the best home remedy website ever! Check it outWww@Youqa@Cn

I use to have that same problem as well, but recently Ive been taking an all natrual product called chaga and it has helped tremendously!. For more information go to www!.mychaga!.com/gfm2 go to product and click on product stories and see the many people that has been helped by this amazing productWww@Youqa@Cn

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