What is Hollistic Medicine? Please give an example too.?!

Question: What is Hollistic Medicine!? Please give an example too!.!?
Hollistic Medicine is any health care practice that cares for the body as a whole entity rather than a series of parts, like the traditional western medical approach!.

In other words holism looks at how each part affects the whole body!.!.!.how the heart affects the lungs, how the nerves affect the stomach, etc!.

Chiropractic is a hollistic apporach to health!. It is founded on the fact that your brain coordinates your entire body and uses the nerve system to communicate!.!.!.just like electrical wires carring electricity from the power plant to your home!. Your spine is essentially an on/off switch for each nerve!. When aligned your power is on and your body maintains it's own health!. When subluxated (SUB-LUX-ATED) your spine moves and interferes with the nerve, turning it "off!." J

ust as turning the switch to your bedroom light cuts the power and it turns off, if your body loses the connection to your brain, it turns off!. Chiropractors keep the power on and keep the WHOLE BODY healthy!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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Wiki gives a good description of it!. It says "Holistic health is a philosophy of medical care that views physical and mental aspects of life as closely interconnected and equally important approaches to treatment!."

Basically, pure Holistic Medicine would be typically seen as Alternative Medicine, but also includes Chiropractic, physical therapy, and many methods that help address the cause of a problem instead of just the symptoms!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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