What teas will be a good remedy for coughing?!

Question: What teas will be a good remedy for coughing!?
Can they be bought at Walgreen's or Wal-Mart like stores!?
Does putting honey in your tea really work!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Yes, make hot tea, put honey and lemon in it, and it should help your cough!. You don't need any special tea, just whatever black or green tea is your favorite!.Www@Youqa@Cn

yes putting honey in tea works and peppermint tea is good for a cough!.Www@Youqa@Cn

hot lemon and honeyWww@Youqa@Cn

I have found that any tea seems to work!. It is all in how you choose to fix the tea!. Honey helps to sooth your throat and also is a great sweetener!. I use it!. I also put lemon in my tea!.This is also healing for your throat so if your throat is sore from coughing, try it!. In fact, sucking on a lemon is great for a sore throat!.Works great for laryngitis!.I fix my tea hot(of course)!.I also add a good bit of whiskey to my mixture!.Most people don't call it tea when I'm done but, that's what I started out with!.The Whiskey helps to break it loose so you can cough it out!!Www@Youqa@Cn

A tea of thyme stops the tickly cough that makes it hard to go to bed, because you cough every 10 seconds!. Add honey and lemon to it!.

I haven't tried it but it works on my nephews: Vicks vapor rub on the soles of the feet before bed to get to sleep better!. But I guess you can do it in the day time too!. It's the menthol oil in it!.

Sometimes you just can't beat a halls or a chloraseptic lozenge or spray!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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