What is the best OTC or at home treatment for a fever blister "cold sore"?!

Question: What is the best OTC or at home treatment for a fever blister "cold sore"!?
My 11 year occasionally gets a fever blister on the outside of his mouth!. Looks horrible, have taken him to the doctor before and he gave me a $80 prescription for some cream!. Is there anything over the counter that works just as well, but is more gentle on my pockets!?Www@Youqa@Cn

The reason your child has this sore is a virus!. He has been exposed the herpes simplex type1 virus!. This virus will follow a nerve pathway and cause sores anywhere along that nerve pathway!. There are a few things that can be done to help decrease the amount of outbreaks a person has!. Minimize exposure to the sun by wearing protective devices such as a baseball cap!. This can be done in the winter and summer!. also decrease the amount of exposure to extreme cold or heat with a barrier such as a scarf!. There are over the counter treatments, called topical ointments that will help with symptom control, but sadly none of these have an actual drug that will decrease the outbreaks or minimize them!. There are prescription drugs that will increase the outbreak time and take it from 2 weeks down to 7 days!.Adequate rest is needed for an outbreak, as "fever blisters" can make the person feel exhausted!. Cold sores are quite painful for the person who has with them!. It is not ususal to feel pain at the site before there is a blister, burning, tingling lets the person know what is coming!. Once the blister appears it is sore and will begin to dry and form a dry yellow crust surrounding the lesion!. Herpes is contagious, from the moment a blister is seen until the area is dry and no longer weeping clear fluid!. Cold sores can give the suffer body aches, lymph node swelling, and general not feeling well complaints!. Here is more information
It is possible to transmitted sores from around the mouth to the genital area, make sure your son learns to wash his hands BEFORE and AFTER using the bathroom!. I hope this has helped you to help your son!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Abreva works good, but it's expensive!. If you want to get rid of them before they errupt, then have your physician give you a prescription for Valtrex!. Once you "feel" the initial pulsation of a cold sore starting, you take 2 pills, then 2 more 12 hours later and it works!

I don't know if this works, but here's a link - http://www!.doctorssolution!.com/

More info at http://www!.medicinenet!.com/herpes_simple!.!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Fever blisters and/or cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus 1!. I am not a doctor, but I think your son is a little too young to use the medicated stuff!. Both my sons suffer from an occasional outbreak from time to time, and I use natural means to take care of it!. There are certain factors that cause these outbreaks, and if you limit these factors, you can lessen the frequency and severity of the outbreaks!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Llysine and Carmax or Bert's Bee'sWww@Youqa@Cn

L-Lysine capsules!. 1,000 mg twice a day when you first feel it coming on, or you can take 500mg daily for maintenance to keep it at bay!. Avoid eating too many eggs at that time!. It's only a few dollars a bottle!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I've gotten a few of those and I've used Lemon Balm essential oil (Melissa officinalis) with great results!. However, its outrageously expensive!. The botanical company Simplers has an oil blend called Herp Aid which has Lemon Balm in it as well as a few others!.
you can usually buy this at any natural food or health stores or from the site!.


Buy yourself some cotton balls and a bottle of Peroxide!. Soak the cotton ball in it and (using an absorbant paper towel to hold under his chin) have him hold the cottonball on the cold sore for about 10 minutes!. Do this a few times a day!. After the 10 minuets, make sure you have him apply unflavored Chapstick to the area (using his finger so he doesn't get the virus on the chapstick)!. It should clear it up in just few days!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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