Do you believe in Homeopathy?!

Question: Do you believe in Homeopathy!?

Is it right to recommend it as a treatment for Malaria!?


Homeopathy was invented 200 years ago, at a time when medicine was still in it's pre-scientific phase!. At the time, it probably WAS safer than being bled or purged etc!.

It is based on two unproven and implausible notions, that "like cures like" (so give caffeine to treat insomnia) and that things get more potent as they are diluted!. Homeopathy violates the laws of chemistry and physics that have been discovered since its invention!.

The standard dilutions used ensure that there is no likelihood of any of the chemical left in the treatment!. It is essentially a placebo!. They claim that the water has a magical memory!. Again this is implausible as it posits a supernatural explanation

Homeopathy is an elaborate delusion, activating the well known and scientifically explained placebo response!. Like almost all so called alternative medicine (SCAM) it is more of a religious belief than anything else!. It's adherents consist of the "walking well" and people with psychosomatic disorders who enjoy the attention that us doctors are too busy to give them!.

It is fraudulent and dangerous to suggest homeopathy can cure malaria!.!.!.!.or anything else for that matter!.Www@Youqa@Cn

no it seems to be no different then a nature-path and I've had experience allot different treatments for my disease only medications where strong enough to help

drugs company's would be using this stuff making more money if they really workedWww@Youqa@Cn

It's a nonsense of course but some otherwise outwardly sane people are prepared to spend fortunes on it


I believe in some cases it is extremely good

As far as malaria goes NO there are some things that need today's medicinesWww@Youqa@Cn

There is a million dollar prize waiting for anyone who can prove homeopathy works!. (See The Amazing Randi, he's had this prize on offer for quite a few years now!.)

You'd think with a million dollars waiting, quite a few people would be lining up for the prize!. Oddly no-one has yet won it!.!.!.

It is very irresponsible to recommend it as a treatment for malaria, or indeed for any condition other than "I have too much money in my wallet, please help separate me from some of it"!.

That said!.!.!. a chemist set out to debunk the basic principle of "memory in water" and found some troubling results!. They repeated their tests several times and eventually published because they thought others should try to repeat the tests!. Now that's good science, publishing even when you got the result opposite to the one you wanted! (Funny how the homeopathy people won't do that though!.!.!.)

If homeopathy worked, a terrorist could put a single multivitamin pill in a city's water supply and give everyone every vitamine deficiency disease that exists!!Www@Youqa@Cn

That's really what it comes down to - belief!.

It's a belief system, not science or medicine!.

In fact, the blind faith and illogical beliefs of homeopathy's followers make it more like a religion!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I do believe in natural product!. They seem to work better for me and my children more than others!. I found about 1 year ago a product call The Transfer Factor!.
It is a product that rebuilds your immune system!. This would be excellent for malaria!!!
This is made from colostrum and is given in a pill form!. It boosts your immune system over 400% within 30 days!
I believe this product would heal her!. I had fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, 3 viral infections and epstein barr!. I am totally healed now!. I will never be without transfer factor again!!!
I will pray for your friend!.!.!.

Not only have there been hundreds of research studies which consistently prove that homeopathy doesn't work (except as a placebo); there have even been meta-studies collating all the evidence from these studies - and again they show, without any doubt, that HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES DON'T WORK!. EVER!.
See Ben Goldacre's "Bad Science" site http://www!.badscience!.net/!?p=578Www@Youqa@Cn

I don't know about the treatment of malaria never had the need to treat it!.
!.!. !.!. !.!.
I use herbs to treat 90% of my medical problems
!.!. !. !.!. !.!.
And have done so for 35 years now
!.!. !.!. !.!.
I am a herbologist
!.!. !.!. !.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

It is illegal to recommend it as a treatment for Malaria!.

Whoever does that should be in court!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Yeah! I believe in Homeopathy because my mom swears by it! Nah! I wouldn't recommend it as a treatment for Malaria!!!Www@Youqa@Cn

Interestingly enough Sammuel Hahnemann, the German physician and father of homeopathy, got the germ of his "idea" from translating an article on the use of quinine in treating malaria in the early 19th century!.

Quinine has been used for treating malaria for over 100 years!. In the traditional medical world quinine has been used to treat the symptoms of malaria, in homeopathy a more definite "cure" is the objective!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Certainly!. I recommend it in all acute cases of Rabies as well!. Actually you can prevent both Malaria and Rabies by wearing a amulet infused with homeopathics around your neck!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Homeopathy cannot cure anything, it is a placebo!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I don't know about it treating malaria!.!.!.!.!.but anything that we believe will make us better is worth trying (well anything safe)

if it helps with mind over matter then its goodWww@Youqa@Cn

Yes I believe in homoeopathy!. I had an under active thyroid, I took conventional medication and I sort help from my doctor and a professor who specialised in this field!.

I could hardly walk without support and I was extremely tired!. Eventually I was told that I would never get any better!.

I found a homoeopath who does telephone consultations!. He is a homeotoxicologist and mixes several remedies into one tablet!. After about a month I was well again!.

Apart from Princess Margaret, all of the Royal Family have lived long and healthy lives and they use homoeopathic treatments!. Princess Margaret, smoked, drank and I think took other drugs which shortened her life!. Consider how many intellegent allopathic people are available to advise the Royal Family, however their first choice is homeopathy!.

Incidently, there are homeopathic nozodes to prevent malaria!.

Jay Guy!. Can you imagine where the funds would come from to prove the efficacy of homoeopathy!. Drug companies make fortunes from their products and the government makes millions in taxes from drugs!. It will never be in the drug companies interests to use homoeopathy, they criticise simply because they want to continue making vast profits!.

Joe W!. Get real, homoeopathic preparations are not made by simply dropping something in water!. Tinctures are made by experts in this field!.

Darlene!. This is interesting, however this was not a homoeopathic treatment!.

Don!. Please don't tell my dogs or any babies that you know that this is a placebo!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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