How to relieve coughing?!

Question: How to relieve coughing!?
You didn't explain why you were coughing!. If you have a cold or a type of flu there are many products on the market that will help relieve the coughing so ask your pharmacist which product is the best and if you are on any medications please tell the pharmacist because your medications could interact with a product he gives you!.
Believe it or not, this works! I heard that rubbing the soles of your feet and tops of your feet with Vicks Vapour Rub, putting on socks and going to bed stopped the coughing!. I didn't believe it until I tried it one night on my B/F who was coughing more at night from his cold (common) and he didn't coughed once through that night!. Others swear by this method as well!.
If you are congested due to a cold or flu then DON'T sleep laying down! Prop a couple of pillows up and lean back and you'll have less coughing because your sinus' won't drain down the back of your throat so badly and you will find you can breath better!. If this cough continues for more than 3 - 4 days it's time to see your doctor!. Pneumonia and Bronchitis are likly on the prowl once again or you may have an infection and may need antibiotics!.!!!Www@Youqa@Cn

Take sugar free cough syrup!.!.!. I am stressing on Sugar Free!. It really worksWww@Youqa@Cn

depends on the cause, but for productive cough take an expectorant and mnon productive cough can be suppressed by codiene containing syrups!.Www@Youqa@Cn

My friend had a dry cough that wasn't attended to!. He ended up having lung cancer that couldn't be cured (he never smoked and was very health conscious)!. PLEASE see a doctor if you have a persistent cough!.

Anthony James Barnett - author of WITHOUT REPROACHWww@Youqa@Cn

Use the age old home remedy and it works ::: >
- Take some ginger!.
- Crush the ginger after washing it!.
- Add some honey to it (a teaspoon will do)!.
- Take it before your nap/slumber!.
- If you don't like ginger, try replacing it with Cloves!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Home remedies for coughing include almond milk, boiled cabbage, elecampane, ginseng, horehound, (usually in candy type drops) lemon, licorice, marshmallow root, mullein, onion, and valerian!.

For sore throat resulting from a cough, raw honey and fresh squeezed organic lemon juice should be added to slippery elm tea!.

Traditional Medicinals makes an excellent herbal tea for coughs called "Herba Tussin" which contains slippery elm, licorice, elecampane, and marshmallow root!. Available at large grocery stores or any health food store!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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