Not taking medicine?!

Question: Not taking medicine!?
i don't like taking medicine and prefer an natural remedy so!.!.!.would not taking medicine while sick make the cold last longer!?!?or should i take medicine!?Www@Youqa@Cn

pharmaceutical medicine is synthetic based and aims at eliminating symptoms of sickness!.you have symptoms for a reason and getting rid of them will make you sick for longer!.
also pharmaceutical medicine has side effects that can seriously damage another part of your body making you sicker than you originally were!. go natural whole foods and the answers above are flaming fantastic too!.Www@Youqa@Cn

No allopathic medicine (pharmaceutics) will help a cold as it is a virus!. So you don't have to take any!.

Taking natural products like Grapefruit Seed Extract or Propolis would help as they are antibacterial AND antiviral!.

A normal cold does not last more than 4 days!. If you are still feeling bad after 4 days, it is because of complications, like sinus or throat infection because the virus has weakened your immune system!.

The best thing to do is to boost your immune system with C vitamin in large doses - 1 gram 5 or 6 times a day while the cold lasts, if you tolerate this large amount (watch out for colic pains and reduce the dose if you feel such pains)!. Some medical doctors take up to 10 grams a day themselves, but would never admit this to their patients!. Yet, after Linus Pauling's research, it is well known that vitamin C in large doses cures all sorts of things!. But watch out for these tummy pains and reduce the dose as necessary!.

When the cold is over and you don't need the vitamin C, do not stop abruptly, but reduce it gradually!. One gram less every day over 5 or 6 days!.

Vitamin C is a great preventive against colds!. Taking 0,5 gram a day during the whole winter is very good!.

NB! Those are dosages for adults, of course!.

All the best to you!Www@Youqa@Cn

Taking over the counter meds can prolong the cold!. Products like nasel sprays and decongestants dry up the mucus membranes and reduces the swelling so we can breath!. This will make some of your symptoms go away temporarily but the problem with that is you end up compacting the virus/bacteria in the tissue!. The reason we make so much mucus when we are sick is the body natural response to want to flush out the foreign object (the infection)!. The meds inhibit that process, hence most likely prolonging the illness!. Drinking lots of water to liquify mucus is ideal!. Goldenrod is an herb that is specific for liquifying mucus!. You can buy it at most natural food stores!. Follow the directions on the bottle!.

Another way to shorten the cold is to take Echinacea purpurea and/or Echinacea angustifolia!. I'm sure you've heard of it!. I would do this in tincture as well!. You really need to take larger doses then normal for it to work effectively!. Ask the person at the natural food store to help you with that!. What echinacea does is boost your own immune system!. I won't go into the biology of it!. You can read the links below!. But, basically it tells your immune system to produce more white blood cells and some other immune cells to clean house and get the job done!. Consider it the general that gives the order to the troops on the front line!. The more generals there are!.!.the more troops get the message!.

Get as much sleep as you can!. Your body needs to rest to get better!.

Hope that helpsWww@Youqa@Cn

A cold is your bodies way of getting ride of something that's not supposed to be there!.!.!.some times it can last a little longer but it works it's way all the way out!.!.!.with meds you're just suppressing it and it will come back!. Check out earthclinic!.com and it has natural remedies for everything!Www@Youqa@Cn

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