Has anybody ever heard of Milk Thistle?!

Question: Has anybody ever heard of Milk Thistle!?
Apparently Sarah Harding takes it to help her hangover!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Holistic veterinarians use milk thistle to treat liver problems in cats (maybe dogs too)!. Cats are particularly prone to have liver damage from infections or toxins, not eating for even short periods of time!. The condition is called hepatic lipidosis!.Www@Youqa@Cn

It works as a liver tonic!. Since the liver is the main thing that breaks down alcohol, the idea is supposed to be that making the liver work better = alcohol broken down faster = less hangover and for less time!.

There haven't been any good studies on it though, so who knows!. But that's how it's "supposed" to work!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I absolutely have!
Milk thistle has not been evaluated by the FDA for safety, effectiveness, or purity!. All potential risks and/or advantages of milk thistle may not be known!. Additionally, there are no regulated manufacturing standards in place for these compounds!. There have been instances where herbal/health supplements have been sold which were contaminated with toxic metals or other drugs!. Herbal/health supplements should be purchased from a reliable source to minimize the risk of contamination!. Hangover!?!?!?!?!?Don't know about that!

Yes and I have it on my herb cabinet along with a lot of other herbs
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This herb is primary for the health of the liver
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It has been used since the time when Jesus Christ was a live and walked the earth!.
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Most all herbs are shunned by the medical profession even though most of all the medicines on their list to give have a herb of some kind in its research
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Only man had to make it for it to be recognized as being good
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And then look at the side effects man made medications have in comparison
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To herbs side effects and there is no profit in selling herbs as there is in selling manufactured medications is there
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it improves liver functionWww@Youqa@Cn

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