Spiritual healing and reiki?!

Question: Spiritual healing and reiki!?
what is the difference!?do they both work on the same principles!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Different cultures term spiritual healing differently!. There is Christian spiritual healing and Hindu spiritual healing where the source of healing is delivered by the Almighty, sometimes by a vessel (i!.e!. pastor or priest)!. In Asia, you have traditional spiritual healing where the powers of spirits and higher level beings are used to cure afflicted persons!.

Reiki is more Earth-bound, using your body as a conduit to channel energy from around you!. It doesn't drain your body unlike some spiritual healing practices where the vessel sometimes collapses or gets a splitting headache from the sheer effort!.

Even meditation can be considered a truth technique that has some principles found in both spiritual healing and reiki!. In some forms of meditation, by observing the mind and breath, one can eliminate stress and regain full vigour!.

I have found some interesting audio material on astonishingstressbuster!.com!. It guides one into using meditation for stress relief!. Essentially, I believe that be it spiritual healing, reiki or meditation, the ultimate aim is to get better!.!.!. we just need to use the technique that's most comfortable for us!.

Take care and all the best!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I think that Christian Science would be an example of the first and Reiki is it's own discipline!. Contact with the higher elements of human existence is a basis for both!. Reiki is Japanese in origin dating maybe a thousand years in time!. CS is based on the Bible and its interpretation and was used by Mary Baker Eddy with the establishment of that church in the 19th century!.

CS doesn't talk about energy transmission, Reiki does!.

I have been a student of Christian Science (not a church member) in the past and often turn to the Bible and readings from Science and Health to help me with healing disturbing emotional problems or stress!. Prayer is an energy transfer for the highest good and is consistent with the principles of Reiki!. I have only recently become acquainted with the Reiki!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Spiritual healing and Reiki come to the same conclusion, HEALING, however the latter is a learned and developed and highly specialized technique!. Spiritual healing can be done through prayer as well as the laying on of hands or the anointment and blessings of the Priesthood!. Peace&Love be with you!.!.!.~M~Www@Youqa@Cn

they both work with basically the same concept!. energy!. we are made of energy as well as everything around us!. spiritual healing is achieved through prayers while Reiki healing takes a few sessions!. the belief system between the two are different but hold the same effect!.Www@Youqa@Cn

They are both based on a similiar principle, in that they both deal with the energy systems of the body!. There are so many different kind of healing around now, i think they are all just good as each other, i think alot depends on the practioner!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I don't know anything about reiki
spiritual healing is an energy passed though the healers body
to the person needing it!. Go though the Spiritualist church to get a healerWww@Youqa@Cn

i do both both about the same but it depends on how good the healer is rei ki can be expensive to achieve so best way is try both the spiritual healing is free at most spiritualist churchesWww@Youqa@Cn

It's all working with energy!. One doesn't have to know reiki to do healing!.Www@Youqa@Cn

its all in your beliefs!?but yea there the same and do work if you want them tooWww@Youqa@Cn

Spiritual healing and reiki, aswell as other alternative healing types like these, work on the basis of placebo!. If you believe they are working, then they may work!. No evidence has been shown that they work past that!.Www@Youqa@Cn

lol @ "reiki master"

What braindead nonsense!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Theres no difference, its all fake!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Yep, they both work on the same principles!.!.!. quackeryWww@Youqa@Cn

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