Is it true that poor teeth health can contribute to an unhealthy body?!

Question: Is it true that poor teeth health can contribute to an unhealthy body!?
Do various teeth relate to different parts of your body!.
Like various points on your feet relate to different parts of your body!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Yes, and also recent scientific studies have shown that gum disease may lead to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke!. New studies have also revealed that gum disease has a detrimental effect on the body as a whole, with white blood cell counts significantly higher in those suffering from mouth infections!.

So, you cannot understate your oral health for your total physical health!.Www@Youqa@Cn

yeah because your nerves are connected to eachother!.
and the feet thing is true 2!. if you rub certain parts of your foot it touchs nerves that are connected to certain parts of your body that its supposed to help!.
and for example your teeth are majorly connected to your heart so if you have unhealthy teeth you can harm, the nerves, veins and stuff!.Www@Youqa@Cn

the metal fillings are bad cuz they contain mercury!. infection from bad oral hygiene can affect your heart and brain: yes it can even kill you!. you would have to get pretty infected for that to happen but its definitely possible!. idk if various pts on ur teeth relate to other parts, like pressure points like acupuncture or something!? idk!. oral hygiene is definitely very important though!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Yes the bacteria goes throughout your body and makes you feel weak and is bad for you!. STUDY links bad teeth, gums to heart disease
Metal fillings are bad too!. I am not sure what the alternative fillings are!.


yes, it does actually, poor dental health impacts on your diet and infection can spread through your nerve networks and into your ear canal!.

It also can enter into the blood stream and cause problems that wayWww@Youqa@Cn

People with periodontal disease have a rate of pancreatic cancer like 10 times what everybody else does!. Strange but true!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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