Doctors,medicines, are we lost to the idea that ones healing can be achieved with believing?!

Question: Doctors,medicines, are we lost to the idea that ones healing can be achieved with believing!?
I question these things as to the idea that drugs arent working on some, and doctors no longer cure ,but ,treat!.!.!.!.My take::;Medicines have limitations; the divine creative life force has none!.!. Believe that , you shall be well and strong!.!. You believe you're sick and stay sick!. I am a person that thinks ,you CAN change things with truely believing in the changes you present to yourself!.!. You're input!?!?!?Www@Youqa@Cn

I believe that the mind is the thing that controls the body and with meditation you can get the answers to your bodies minor ailments!. but there are times when you need doctors and surgeons!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I refuse to get sick! I refuse to go to a Doctor!.All they do is give you pills,then you need pills because you are taking the other pills and still more because of what those cause,but you need to take the first ones for something you don't have! A bunch of hooey! I haven't been to a doctor in ten years,I don't need to!. And yearly tests don't count!. (woman stuff) All they want is money,and will make up something just to get it!.That is my conclusion!. If people think they are sick,then they are!. I ,on the other hand , am the only one who knows if I am!. And I ain't!Www@Youqa@Cn

Faith and ones mind are truely powerful things that can accomplish much more than what they're given credit for!.Www@Youqa@Cn

its called placebo effect if you were wondering!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Yeah!. Good luck with that!.

If we could "think" disease away, wouldn't everyone be well!?Www@Youqa@Cn

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