(Guys) What do you do if your girlfriend was recentally raped?!

Question: (Guys) What do you do if your girlfriend was recentally raped!?
Okay so let me set the mode for you:

Your girlfriends walking home alone, your waiting for her at home!.!.!.some homeless drunk jumps out of a bush or a alley way and pinns her down!. She comes home and she completly ignores you and goes has a shower and goes to bed!. She doesnt talk to you for months on end!.!.!.What do you do!?

a) Dump her; if she's not talking or being honset with you whats the point!?

b) Get her help; take care of her

c) pack your bags and just run for the hills ; you carn't stand emotional girls!.

The reason why i ask is!.!.!.iam doing a case study on this subject!.!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

you had better get some help and take care of her your anwser is (b)thats what i would do because it was not her fault that she got raped any one with the right sence would do the right thing most men any howWww@Youqa@Cn

Uh, that would be:

d!. Hunt the guy down, skin him alive, then slit his throat!.

Of course, if it was MY woman, she would have just shot him dead on the spot before he got within 15 feet of her!.Www@Youqa@Cn

B) bring her to the local police station and get her a police report to catch that dirtbag that raped her!. be supportive for herWww@Youqa@Cn


I would get her help and contact the police and shrinks and everyone else I think who could help!.!.!.

Or just pay some gang a couple thousand bucks to get rid the earth of the prick !.!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

B!.!.!., you'd have to be the biggest a**hole on the planet to go with anything elseWww@Youqa@Cn

Any scum who say a) or c) is a waste of skin!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I would chose A!. I would dump her!.

The reason for this would be because you did not say that she ever informed me she was raped!. That would be a completey different story!. What you said from my point of view basically that my girlfriend comes home, ignores me, takes a shower, and goes to bed!.!.!. and then for months on end doesn't talk to me!. If my girlfriend refused to speak to me for more than a few days with no explanation I would dump her as that would be!.!.!. weird!.

Hypotheticaly, if she DID tell me what happened then without a doubt I would choose B!. I would immedely take her to police so they can do a rape exam and then collect evidence to put the rapist in prison for life!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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