Is it easier for females to put on fat than it is for males?!

Question: Is it easier for females to put on fat than it is for males!?
Is it true that it is easier for females to put on fat than it is for males!? And is it true that it is harder for males to gain back weight after they have lost weight!?Www@Youqa@Cn

imo!? YES! my husband & i both had gastric bypass within 6 months of each other!. he lost 240+ lbs and has kept off 90% of it!. me!? i got pregnant, and gained 75 lbs between being pregnant and then after having the baby!. he eats junk all day and night, and never gains much back!. me!? i just LOOK at a piece of chocolate and gain 5 lbs!. it's like that commercial for GNC!. "what!? are you trying to weigh ZERO!?!!?!"
yeah, that's us!.
blah! i think it's because we have babies & breastfeed and all that good stuff!. it's sure not fair, but that's how it is, sadly!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I've never heard it put like that before!. It's true that women should have more body fat than men because of how their bodies are built (the hormone Estrogen makes their body fat percent higher!.!.!. otherwise, they'd have no "curves")!.!.!. but I've seen multiple women that lose weight faster than men doing the same things as them and some men that have the hardest time losing weight!.
The thing is, there is more attributes than just a person's gender that come into the weight loss equation!.!.!. there's also genetics (family history and whatnot), their metabolism, activity level, diet, how their body utilizes food, etc, etc!.Www@Youqa@Cn

While that is a generalization as many variables exist, it is true that women store more fat than men do!. Has to do with pregnancy and survival!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Yeah, I think it is easier for females to put on fat!. I read that females have an extra layer of fat anyways!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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