What do you think of this doctor's view against chemotherapy? Do you think he is right or not?!

Question: What do you think of this doctor's view against chemotherapy!? Do you think he is right or not!?
You really have to stop posting these DANGEROUS videos from this seriously deranged naturopathic wingnut!.

People following his advice could DIE!. I'm serious!.
Most AltMed just wastes your time and money, but this person's advice is dangerously misinformed and delusional!.

Plus he's got a really tacky beardWww@Youqa@Cn

I have known teenagers with a better (deeper) understanding of cancer, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery!.

It is sad to see people take a tiny particle of truth and blow it out of proportion, distorting the picture and creating fear in people who are already scared!.

The failure of contemporary medicine is not that *some* of what this maniac says is true, it is that they are not able to convey the full truth about cancer treatment to people and that those people are driven to seek unproven alternative therapies!.

When he says that "chemotherapy causes cancer" !.!.!. yes, some chemo agents do!. In about 1-2% of cases!. And likely 20-30 years down the road!. If I am 50 years old, and adriamycin can make my breast cancer go away until I"m 80, and I develop leukemia as a result of getting chemo when I was 50 !.!.!. well, I'm dam glad to have those extra 30 years!. I know for sure I wouldn't get 30 years after this quack (youtube guy's) herbal enemas, reiki, macrobiotic cooking, or whatever other silliness he's peddling!.

Chemo does kill some good cells too, but primarily those that reproduce rapidly!. Well guess what!? Those cells REPRODUCE RAPIDLY!. So my hair falls out !.!.!. it's back in a few months!. My stomach is a little upset!. Emend, aloxi, zofran, compazine all make it feel better, and my body makes new cells within a week or two to fix the good digestive system cells that were destroyed!.

See the kinds of things the quacky doctor doesn't mention!?

But rather than see him tell us half-truths about things many of us know better about, why doesn't he show us where he has proved the efficacy of his treatments, in double-blind clinical trials!? Why doesn't he show us his truth, rather than distorting the real truth!?Www@Youqa@Cn

I agree with him because I know people who have beaten cancer without chemo or radiation!.!. every one I know that has had chemo or radiation always ends up with cancer in a different place or they die from the horrible side effects of the treatment!. Alternative treatments for cancer are out there but you have to know where to look and it isn't conventional medicine!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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