What can be used for nasal irrigation?!

Question: What can be used for nasal irrigation!?
Over the last week, I've taken to using a squirt bottle style neti pot, and I've fallen in love with it!. I've run out of solution packets, and have been using a recipe I found on several holistic websites!. Unfortunately, using the solution of baking soda and salt that has been recommended to me burns, and I can't finish the round!.

Does anybody know of another home remedy that I can use for a solution that won't hurt as much!? I don't mind being uncomfortable, but I just can't tolerate this recipe!. I'm lucky if I can take a quarter of the solution between both sides!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I've found that a good sized pinch of Himalayan salt (the pink salt) works very well!. If the solution is burning, it is probably too stong, or the salt is iodized!. This can dry out and damage delicate nasal tissues, making your problems worse!.

Wikipedia says this about burning: "Burning or irritation of the nasal lining!. This can feel similar to irritation one may experience from the chlorine in a swimming pool!. This is usually due to water being at the wrong temperature and/or salinity, but can also be due to the salt containing the additive iodine!. If the salinity is correct and the water is at body temperature, try using non-iodized salt!."

I've never used this recipe, but I've heard it works:

Mix together :
1 qt warm water
1 t sea salt
1/2 t baking soda
squirt of glycerin
4 drops essential oil

Which oil!?
Guardian - for immune challenges (colds, viruses)
Breathe Free - for congestion
Deep Relief - raw sinuses (blood-tinged kleenexes)
Tea Tree Oil - sinus infection

Use only one blend at a time, but feel free to vary use of which oil with subsequent irrigations!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Just use pickling/canning salt mixed with water!. Most salts that aren't kosher have fillers that can burn!. You may also want to try using distilled water as the chlorine in municipal tap water can also burn!. I usually just use distilled water with no salt!.Www@Youqa@Cn

You may want to taste the salt water before using it!. If it is to salty for you to eat, then it will burn!. Have you seen a doctor for this!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Try a natural saline solution for contact lenses!. It's very mild, and Whole Foods carries one without chemical preservatives!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Himalayan Mountain Salt!. The pink kind!. Hit up Whole Foods man!!!!! Never use table salt as it is simply a chemical and has NO healing properties!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Distilled water with sea salt!. I've never heard of using baking soda!. I'll look that up!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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