Herbal Remedy For OCD?!

Question: Herbal Remedy For OCD!?
I have been diagnosed with OCD (not a severe case tho)!. I have been on Prozac in the past and it worked amazingly! Unfortunately, I do not have health insurance right now and can't afford doctor's app'ts or prescriptions!. I was wondering if anybody knows of a good herbal remedy for my OCD!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Prozac is on the 4 dollar generic medicine list at Wal-mart!. I know that for a fact!. Get your prescription through there!

If not, try St!. John's Wort, it's a herbal remedy!.Www@Youqa@Cn

How sad that you can't afford proper medical care!. Isn't there a public hospital or health clinic in your area that could provide care cheaply or free!?

I take OCD very seriously, having personal family experience of it!. The research I have done suggests that it only gets worse without treatment, so if I were you I'd endeavour to get medical treatment!.

Good luck!. xxWww@Youqa@Cn

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