Why is it that people believe that they need to drink so much water? Why do they believe it will eliminate...!

Question: Why is it that people believe that they need to drink so much water!? Why do they believe it will eliminate!.!.!.
"toxins" from the body!? If you believe this can you please tell me according to medical physiology how and why this is!? Wouldn't all this water possibly be not so good!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Recently this whole concept of drinking lots of water was disproved!. By drinking when you are thirsty you will get enough water to eliminate the water soluble wastes from your body without forcing water!. I find it totally ridiculous to see these people (usually women) walking around with their water bottles and sipping away where ever they were!. It is not necessary and only increases your urinary output!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Well, I'm a proponent of drinking 8 cups of water a day!. It's not so much about getting rid of toxins (although that is important) as it is not being dehydrated!. More people are dehydrated than you think, especially when they're drinking nothing but coffee and caffeinated soda all day!. Dehydration causes weight gain (water weight, not fat!. when you're dehydrated your body clings to water!. my friend upped her water intake and dropped 5 pounds in a week!.)!. It also can contribute to fatigue, headaches, and acne!. In extreme cases dehydration can lead to kidney infections because, well, you're not flushing toxins out of your body!.

also, drinking water before meals can prevent overeating!. I mean, at the end of the day, I can't think of a good reason NOT to drink plenty of a calorie-less substance that makes up 2/3 of me already anyway!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Dear "Professor" ,

Your kidneys are filters!. They recycle all the fluids that you have already used in your body!. (waste products) If you give them enough water, the concentration of the waste products is less!. So, its less harmful to the body!.(Thats a good thing ) So, enough water is good for the kidneys!. If you feel thirsty after a work-out, or maybe in hot weather, that's a sign that your body is telling you "I NEED WATER NOW!"

Too much water, on the other hand, is not necessary!. If you do not lose body water (like during hot weather, or any sweaty activites) then you are overloading the kidneys with work!. If you force yourself to drink too much (unnecessary) water for a long period of time, then this is harmful to your body!.Www@Youqa@Cn

your body is made up of water, some where between 55-75% depending on your body type and your activity level!. water is the key stone to our life!. you just google benifits of water and you can see a ton of medical journels talking about how good water is!. now there is a rare thing that can happen if you drink too much water!. now when i say too much im talking like 3-4 times the daily recommended amount!. but all you have to do is balance your water with sodium and your body will be rocking!. it does so much for your body!. regulates your temp, clears skin, removes waste, so on and so on!. everythign you drink just about has some sort of water in it, so you cant get away from it!. but why not just drink straight from the source!. oh by the way!.!.!. tap water is better for you than bottled water!. bottled water has filtered out alot of small stuff that can be benifical to your body!. so drink up!Www@Youqa@Cn

Water cleanses the body, via the kidneys, acting as a flushing system to help remove chemicals within some foods we eat, to enhance certain medication ,such as those for the lungs and like wise to help get rid of, built up of some medications, after we have stopped them!.
Drinking tea, coffee, sodas etc, do not have the same cleansing effect as that of water!. When increase liquids are recommended the former items do not count!.
About 1 gallon a day is recommended, yes, it can be over done but these incidences are rare!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Well I do know too much water in too short of a time can kill you!. There was a radio stunt not too long ago where the contestants had to drink, I think, 2 gallons of water in, I think, an hour!. The woman ended up dead because she tried!.

One thing I've heard that's good about staying at maximum hydration is that then your body keeps your organs running at peek performance!. If you don't have enough water your body will begin to conserve itself and slowing your organs down is one way it does that!.

So with your liver running at peek performance that would help rid your body of its toxins!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Toxins are removed from the body mainly through sweat and urine!.

If you don't drink enough water, you don't sweat or urinate with enough frequency!.

And yes, there is a point at which you can drink too MUCH water!. As long as you stay with 4-8 eight ounce glasses a day you are fine!.

Water is the recommended drink because it is clear, without additives that are in coffee and sodas!.Www@Youqa@Cn

it is sort of a random idea that we need to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day!. it really is a better idea to listen to your thirst, and not to believe the hype!.
also, don't drink out of plastic water bottles anymore--they are bad for hte environment and have cancer causing chemicals in the bottles!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I never understood this either, don't you just piss more!? There's no medical reason why drinking water would be good or would 'cleanse the system' as far as I know!. People associate it with health because it's being portrayed as being healthy; probably due to the low calorie count!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Since our bodies are 98% H20 I don't see how it is bad!. The recommendation is to drink 8 cups (8oz) of liquid!. That means lemonade, coffee, soda, water!. It's to replace the water you lose through sweat, snot, urine etc!. Water is better though!. We aren't 98% soda!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Because they taught us that in grade school with the basic food groups did you skip class that day!?
Don't know anybody that actually drinks that much water but it takes more than that for water toxicity anyway!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Soda and other things you drink have acid in them, thats why your pee is yellow!. peeing and your spleen remove 'toxins' from your body!. Water just doesn't add to the toxins, and causes you to pee!.Www@Youqa@Cn

80% of you body is made up of Water should i say any more!?

~? DJ Steve ?~Www@Youqa@Cn

1 you go to the bathroom more 2 your drinking something good4 you instead of cokes so instead of all that stuff going inside the water at some point will push it all outWww@Youqa@Cn

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