If you ever experienced chronic fatigue syndrome did chinese herbs help you?[if you tried them]what helps?!

Question: If you ever experienced chronic fatigue syndrome did chinese herbs help you!?[if you tried them]what helps!?
I've tried many herbs like periwinkle,chinese green tea, mangosteen tea ,etc!. I drank juices and enzymes and felt better but symptoms came back!. Fern -C , an alkaline based vit!. c is tummy friendly for me and relieves my symptoms ( but not totallly eradicating them) when I take two (2) 500 mg!. capsules,3X a day!. I think CFS is just a symptom of an underlying 1 or more illnesses that are hard to diagnose by my doctors and I'm trying to still figure out what these are!.Www@Youqa@Cn

My mother-in-law has that!. Sorry to say, that despite all the urban legends, most don't work for most people(that's what the dr told her anyways), you just have to learn to live around it!.

I just re-read your question and some answers and just wanted to clarify, that chronic fatigue syndrome is very rare, sleepiness is a symptom of many countless health problems ie!. thyroid problems just to name one, but if you really have been diagnosed with it, there really isn't a whole lot of good news for you!. sorry!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Get tested for Epstein Barr virus and other viruses!. It is usually caused by that!. I struggled with it for 10 years until a ND finally tested me for those and sure enough it was a few different viruses!. I did 2 months of intensive immune support using regular herbs but I am sure chinese herbs would work too!. Chinese herbs are very powerful!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Although I didn't have Chronique Fatigue Syndrome, I was quite exhausted for many months!. I used Reishi mushroom for the past 6 months and it has help tremendously!. There are so many other good things it does!. It's pretty amazing!.

I might also want to look at Ashwagandha root (Withania somnifera)!. That's also another great anti-fatigue herb

Both of these herbs help with stress as well!.

One thing to note, when you take herbs for long periods of time maybe 4-8 months your body will get used to the herbs and they won't have the same effect!. I suggest you take a break, switch herbs and then you can go back to the original formula after a few months!.

Some articles below will give you further info!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I, myself, think I have CFS!. For me, I think getting sleep helps the best!. I always feel sleepy, and I think it's how I might be able to get out of it!. If you ever find a "cure", tell me about it cause I'm in high school and feeling sleepy and disoriented really distracts me from studying!. (Yes, I get at least 6 hours of sleep and I'm not on drugs) Good luck!

You should still try herbs!. They do have stress-reducing values!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I recommend you to try xango juice!. This is made with the mangosteen fruit!. This fruit is an asian botanic that has natural phytonutrients called xanthones!. Xango is the most powerful antioxidant in the earth, so, you will be protected from radical damage and feel less tired!. Xango also increase our levels of energy and also help us with different health conditions!.

If you want more information about it, check www!.cristinadiaz!.mymangosteen!.com and choose the English option, and also check www!.xango!.net
You will be surprised of this amazing product!.

Please, let me know what you think!.
Thank you

Dr Jacob Teitelbaum is a leading authority on CFS!. He has written a very good book on it called From Fatigued to Fantastic!. He also has a website where you can go and get information on diagnosis and treatment!. There is a short program which is free, there is a fee for the more in depth program which utilizes your lab results!.Www@Youqa@Cn

don't buy into the mystic chinese healing herbs, those medicines only ease you into a false sense of security, they don't have any actual medical value!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Tahitian Noni helps me!.My neighbours who are in their 80`s
have been using it for years to boost energy!.
check it here!.

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