
Question: Cinchona!?!?!?!?
Does anyone know anything about it!?!?
Where can I find info on it!?Www@Youqa@Cn

It is a natural source of Quinine!. It is very interesting!. Here are 3 places of good info per your request!.


Cinchona bark was the first thing Samuel Hahneman used to experiment on himself when he invented homeopathy in the 18th century!. Since it caused fever and joint aches, like malaria, he posited it could be used to treat malaria with his odd idea of "like cures like"!. This wasn't a completely original notion as both Aristotle and Paracelcus had similar thoughts in the past!. Hahneman is the one credited with taking this silly idea and running with it!. A dubious achievement!.

Homeopathy is completely bogus, implausible and unproven idea that violates the laws of chemistry and physics!. In large randomized controlled placebo trials, it has never been shown to be more effective than placebo!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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