How do i clean narcotics out of my system without buying some expensive drink?!

Question: How do i clean narcotics out of my system without buying some expensive drink!?
I need to clean my system from pain pills in two days from now and i dont have 50 bucks to go buy a drink!. Is there a natraul way to do it like greentea and water!?Www@Youqa@Cn

There is a tea, and pills sold at local herb/health food stores called, "Detox"!. It will cleanse your body of everything bad, and is actually good for you to do, occasionally!. Be sure to drink a glass of water (or more) with each glass of tea!. It is also a good idea to take Vitamins with it (esp!. "B" vitamins), as the tea will make your urine clear as water (if you drink enough water with it), and the "B" gives it a yellow color (clear urine looks suspicious)!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I agree that plain water is the way, but nobody can guarantee that all the drug will be gone from your system in two days!. We're talking about organic systems here, which don't run to a schedule!. Your liver and other organs will be doing their job already, and you can help them by not loading them up with any other toxins, such as caffeine or excessive fat or salt!. So no alcohol, coffee, junk food or caffeinated drinks, and eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, preferably raw as in salads!. The nutrients will help your organs work at their best!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Get a gallon milk jug, fill it up with water, and start drinking and pissing out as much as you can up until your drug test!. (if that's why you need to know) also niacin can be helpful; find it at GNC or any pharmacy!.Www@Youqa@Cn

drink a ton of water leading into the day of the test so that your urine is really diluted!. then take b vitamins so that the color is still yellow, which won't give away to your tester that you're trying to dilute!.

most tests don't come back positive unless they are above a certain level, so dilution is the way to go!.Www@Youqa@Cn

You can't!. The best way is to stop doing narcotics!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I have heard that goldenseal cleans the system too!. I do not know for sure!.Www@Youqa@Cn

No!.!.!.!.and that other stuff doesn't do diddly squat either!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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