Can you recommend a Hypnotherapist in Wellington, NZ to help me stop nail biting?!

Question: Can you recommend a Hypnotherapist in Wellington, NZ to help me stop nail biting!?
I've found details for several hypnotherapists in the Wellington area and all seem to have had experience with nail biters!. The problem is, which one is the best and most effective hypnotherapist!? If you have any experience of hypnotherapy to stop nail biting or hypnotherapists in Wellington, I would really appreciate your feedback!.
Many thanksWww@Youqa@Cn

The sadness is that you might be one of those people who bite their nails simply because as a child, you never learned to clip your nails on a regular basis!. I know that as soon as I recognized that my nails grow way quick, and that I would bite them to save myself from broken nails and damaged everything else, my attitude changed!. I started managing them like everybody else learned to when a child!.
Please consider carrying a small combination file and emery board with you!. Spend a moment every once in a while during the day to check them and fix anything rough!. That way, when you scratch an itch or put the nail in your mouth, there will be no rough or sharp features for your brain to work on!. When there is a rough feature, you pull out the file and fix it instead of biting it!. Realize you are biting a nail!? Immediately get your file out and make the best you can of the carnage!. Your brain will be pissed-off & frustrated, but such is life!.
At night, sometime before you go to bed, dress them once more!. It will make you feel better about yourself!.
The change will be immediate!. Within two weeks you will see results!. If you take pride in your accomplishment, it will eventually restrict the behavior!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Instead of resorting to a hypnotherapist perhaps you could try biting your toe nails instead!.

If you trim your toe nails you can bite the clippings and if you carry the clippings around with you then you can bite the clippings whenever you feel like it!.

If you have tried all possible remedies and they all failed then as a last resort you could try a hypnotherapist!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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