Alternatives to marihuana?!

Question: Alternatives to marihuana!?
I used to smoke marihuana to sleep, but i haven't done that in years (because i'm not allowed to said my doc)!.

What are alternatives which kind of have the same effect!? Not talking about hash brownies, mushrooms or tea tried that already!.Www@Youqa@Cn

So, ur doctor said u can't smoke marijuana!? But can u still take marijuana!? If u still can, there's many forms marijuana comes in!. Edibles, hash, Mateo Tea (basically it's a fruity flavored marijuana tea), there's THC capsules, liquid THC (comes in a few fruity flavors), keif!. So, I guess u can either eat it, drink it, or swallow it!.!.!.and the THC in all of them should knock ya out for awhile!. I'm not sure if the hash brownies u ate were strong enough, because I usually make my own and they are quite strong (I think the ones u ate didn't have enough hash in them)!.Www@Youqa@Cn

You could try OTC sleeping pills such as Tylenol PM or Advil PM!.!.!. or prescription sleeping pills like Ambien or Lunesta!.

Kava kava, or alcohol (I've heard conflicting reports on this substance in relation to sleep so this may not be the most approiate choice)

also, someone said to smoke tobacco cigarettes or cigars, that is not a good idea because tobacco is a stimulant so it will help you wake up in the morning like a cup of coffee, but it will not help you sleep!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Your doctor said you aren't allowed to SMOKE marijuana but their are capsules if you ask him that could give you the same effect the smoking did!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Just cigarettes or cigars it will also help and you'll be smoking still though they won't get u high but it will do the trick!.

a bottle of rum or night quilWww@Youqa@Cn

Kava!. Its a legal intoxicant/relaxation supplement!.Www@Youqa@Cn

good luck been looking myselfWww@Youqa@Cn

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