My grand dad has a fugus feet.?!

Question: My grand dad has a fugus feet!.!?
I was in my house and I smelled something and it was my grand dad feet, I told him to put his shoes on but he whould notWww@Youqa@Cn

For natural support, get tea tree oil and put a tsp in a pan of water to soak his feet in!. It's highly antiseptic and kills fungus topically!. Or you can get foot fungus spray at the drug store if he doesn't want to soak his feet every day for about a week!. But his shoes should be sprayed and or washed in antiseptic!. You didn't say it was just his toenails but if he has yellow toenails, this oil can be applied directly with a Q-tip, too!. You don't want to use it full strength on the skin, it can be caustic, it's so strong!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Toe nail fungus is a sure sign that many other parts of the body is infected!.
If you can get him to listen tell him to take some Olive Leaf extract, some fresh garlic, Oil of oregano!. and cinnamon every day!. He can alternate by taking one for a few days then go to another one for a few days!.
He also need to get on a good probiotic like Dr!. Ohhira's Probiotic+12!. a good fish oil wont hurt either!.
He need to loose all sugar!. Fungus feeds on sugar!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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