Raw Milk, Beneficial to health or is it dangerous?!

Question: Raw Milk, Beneficial to health or is it dangerous!?
Alot of confusion regarding raw milk!.
I want to drink raw organic milk from grass fed cows, at a local farm!. I have heard it is very healthy, and can help with some of my health problems!. Anyone try it, and does it cause Shingles and infections ect!.!?Www@Youqa@Cn

There was an experiment done about the benefits of enzymes and raw food versus cooked food!. this experiment was done by Dr!. Francis Pottenger!.
I also did a paper about raw and pasteurized milk and what i learned shocked and disappointed me!. At the very least if i cannot get raw milk i will drink the organic pasterized milk!.
i learned that milk is a good sorce of calcium but only if it is an organic form meaning in it's natural state!. When heat is applied to milk as in pastuerization it then becomes inorganic and the molecular structure has changed and it is not recognized by the body, so the body does not know what to do with it in this form!. So in essence, milk that is pasteurized has most of the good stuff missing and destroyed before you drink it and whats even worse is that under the conditions that it is produced(hormones, mass production)!. This is about Dr!. Francis Pottenger!.
He was the original research physician in nutrition!. In the early 1930's, he conducted what was to become a famous study of cats!. Here is one account of the results:

There's one more study I want to bring to your attention and it's called the Pottenger cats study and it lasted for ten years, with three generations of cats being studied!. Approximately 900 cats were involved!. Dr!. Francis Pottenger took 2 sets of cats and fed them only raw milk and raw meat!. He took 3 more sets of cats and fed them cooked meat and pasteurized milk!. This study was specifically designed to show the difference between eating raw foods versus cooked and processed foods over a long period of time!. The cats eating the raw food were disease free and healthy, generation after generation after generation!. But, the cats eating the cooked and processed foods had different results!. By the end of the 1st generation the cats started to develop degenerative diseases and became quite lazy!. By the end of the 2nd generation the cats had developed degenerative diseases by mid-life and started losing their coordination!. By the end of the 3rd generation the cats eating the cooked foods had developed degenerative diseases very early in life and some were born blind and weak and had a much shorter life span!. Many of the third generation cats couldn't even produce offspring!.

This is from a Website whose name I appreciate: thehealthnuts!.net!. For a more detailed account of this experiment, visit the lifestar site!.Www@Youqa@Cn

That's what people used for thousands of years before pasteurization was invented and they didn't get sick and die from taking it!.!.!.!. plus the fact that milk was always known to promote health throughout at least most of that time!. I've heard from people that grew up on farms that they would take a cup of the fresh milk after it's squeezed (usually squeezing some into a cup) because of all the natural cream and fat tastes good!.
As long as the cows aren't sick, it should be no problem at all!.

[edit]: The main thing I would ask the people selling you the raw milk would be proof that the cows aren't sick!. I'm not sure if there are vet documents that they can provide or some anecdotal information, but it's a good idea to check on the source for anything that has potential problems like raw things from animals!. You may want to ask someone who is well versed in raw/organic foods that isn't selling milk what would be good questions to ask!. Good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

It can certainly be better for you than pasteurized, homogenized commercial milk!.!.!.!.however there are dangers within drinking it and many people in the past have died from "milk" sickness!. Actually, alot of people that are otherwise lactose intolerant and allergic to it, might very well not be if they consumed it raw!. You just have to be very careful about your source!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Organic milk, yes
Before 1950 all milk was healthy and from grass fed cows!.
Then came pasteurization to avoid typhoid!. Then came growth hormones and antibiotics that the FDA still says is OK!. I don't want it in my house to be fed to my kids!.
The dairy industry has fed the country a line of crap for 50 years and now most people belive the lies!.
Organic isn't perfect but that is what my family drink!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

if it is certified organic, then it is probably a good bet!.
in some cases, raw milk can carry certain disease-
causing organisms, but i believe the organic certification
process requires regular testing for this!. check it out at

This answers all your questions!.


Are you serious!? What did you drink when born!? A pasteurised and homogenised mothers milk!? Of cause not! So stick to the natural!.Www@Youqa@Cn

It's dangerous! You could contract all sorts of infections, both bacterial and viral, from it!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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