Natural cures for a cold?!

Question: Natural cures for a cold!?
I have this cold and I've had it for a few days now!. My throat feels like it's swollen and it hurts to breate!. My eyes are watery and my nose is all congested!. It just sucks!. I know that you can't cure a cold, but what can you do to help it for a little bit, make it not hurt anymore!?Www@Youqa@Cn

For your sore throat, take Zinc lozenges from the health food store!. It will help it heal!. Take 4Grams (4000 milligrams) Vit C to help boost your immune!. Take 6 Burdock a day!. (Burdock is a natural blood purifier and will help filter the germs out of your system, help your kidneys and liver filter out the toxins, and won't interfere with anything else you are taking!. You can't overdose on it so it will not harm you in any way!.)As far as the congestion, drink lots of fluids, to flush out the toxins!. You can drink Echinacea tea, which works like a natural antibiotic!. Spearmint, and peppermint tea can help!. Chammomile is also good for colds in a tea!. You can also make your peppermint tea in a large bowl, and steam your face over it with a towel over your head!. The warm mist will help open you sinuses and help you clear your congestion!. The burdock is something you should keep taking to keep your body clean ( 3 in morning 3 at lunch) forever!. It will help keep you from getting future colds!. Aside from that, keep taking 2 grams of Vit C a day to keep your immune system strong!. And aside from eating VERY healthy, also you can take "Sun Chlorella" Algae tablets daily which offers a wealth of trace nutrients your body won't otherwise get!. Better to prevent than to have to recover from a cold!. Lost time can be lost money in your future!. Take care of yourself in advance to be safe!.Www@Youqa@Cn

A warm bath with pure essential oil lavender or peppermint (diluted in vegetable oil) will both help to expel a cold and lavender is anti-viral!.

Gargling with a salt water solution may help the throat!. also, honey and lemon sooth the sore throat!.

Echinacea is great if you catch the cold early on!. Since you have had the cold for a while, Yin Chiao is carried by many health foods stores and will knock out a long-standing cold with sore throat!.Www@Youqa@Cn

goldenseal and mango juice!.

apply vicks vapo rub over your neck and sinuses!. Sleep with a humidifier going!. Drink chicken soap and tomato soup!. Go to the produce section and get those antioxadant-rich juice smoothies!. (Naked mango works best and tastes yummy)!. Best of luck!.Www@Youqa@Cn

When you feel like you're starting to get a cold, take a bath with a few tbs of ginger in a muslin bag, you can also add some to a drink, tea would workWww@Youqa@Cn

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