If you take 1 e a day how badly will it affect you?!

Question: If you take 1 e a day how badly will it affect you!?
I mean I go out at the weekend and take about 6 and nothing bad has happened!. I don't want to take them to get high, just I think they'd make good diet pills!.

This isn't a long term thing, it would only be for about a fortnight!.Www@Youqa@Cn

It can cause long term damage to your seratonin levels!. It can also cause a decline in language-related memory!.
In other words, it gives you brain damage!.

"Ecstasy targets neurons in the brain that use the chemical serotonin to communicate!. Serotonin plays an important role in regulating a number of mental processes including mood and memory!.
Research has shown that long-term or heavy ecstasy use can damage these neurons and cause depression, anxiety, confusion, difficulty sleeping and decrease in memory!."Www@Youqa@Cn

"University of Adelaide researchers have found that ecstasy taken on a few occasions could cause long-term brain damage from severe damage to brain cells, with the potential to cause future memory loss or psychological problems!."


A lot of people who have taken psycho-actives daily have become permanently psychotic and are in the care of the state!.

If you want to lose weight fast and get high, it would probably be wiser to take up anorexia for a couple weeks!. You could call it a "two week fast!." People will probably get angry about me telling you to stop eating, but honestly, it would be healthier for you than to abuse E for two weeks straight!.

PS: You might want to decrease the amount of drugs you do regularly, especially if you're a drinker; the amount of brain cells you're killing now cannot grow back and they will affect your cognitive, memory, and emotional capacities later on in life!. I think it's cool to experiment-- even with drugs!-- but not all the time, woman! Slow down okay!?Www@Youqa@Cn

What is "1 e"!?!? Are we talking about ecstasy!?!?

If so!.!.!. Then why bother!?!? I mean there are a considerably larger number of safer weight loss compounds that would be allot more effective!.!.!. If you arent worried about health, then why not give Lipodrene a try!?!? You will be shocked by how much weight you will loose!. Is it healthy!?!? Heck no, but it will not destroy the vast number of neurons that ecstasy will!.!.

And yes!.!.!. Lipodrene contains Ephedra (aka ECA method), and it is highly effective!.!.!. You will quickly realize when using it that you just are not hungry on it in addition to having allot of energy!.!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

wouldnt you ACTUALLY die if you took 16 in one day!? i heard that just 4 or 5 at a time could cause an overdose!. and 1 or 2 is enough to make me trip for hours, how the hell did you manage to take 16 in a day!? crazy ****, dont even want to know how much you spent on that hahaWww@Youqa@Cn

Do it and find out, you'll probably end up dead you idiot!.Www@Youqa@Cn

i knew trhis one guy he took 8 a week
and he is fineWww@Youqa@Cn

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