HELP! I have a bone-spur on the side of my foot that's on FIRE!?!

Question: HELP! I have a bone-spur on the side of my foot that's on FIRE!!?
Can anyone tell me if they know of any simple thing beside ICE that will take the inflammation out of it!.!.
I REFUSE TO have surgery again on my feet!.
My foot doctor gave me a shot of Steroids into it!.!.!.and made me a C-shaped cut out pad for it!.!.!.and that helps, but even when it's not being TOUCHED by my shoe, sox or anything!.!.!.it will SHOOT PAIN!.
Any analgesic anyone knows of!?
PLEASE HELP !.!.!. it hurts soooooooooo bad! & I'm NOT having it CUT on! ! !Www@Youqa@Cn

Don't you just love it when you post a question in "Alternative Medicine" and someone tells you to have surgery!? Not!.

What you are experiencing is inflammation and spasm!. That's why it doesn't matter if anything touches the tender place!. Think of it sort of like a muscle spasm and one end of the muscle is red and raw!. Ice helps the inflammation but makes the muscle spasm worse!. Alternate!.

Three things: 1!. Stop the cause; 2!. Take a pain reliever/anti-inflammatory; 3!. Use topical analgesics!.

1!. The support system of the foot is damaged and/or being damaged!. Buy the best support shoe you can afford and LIVE in it!. No pretty sandals or flip-flops or bare feet until this is healed!. I like SAS Walkers, myself!.

2!. Some natural pain relievers are available at your health food store!. Combinations usually work best!. Look for a product with Black Cohosh, Devil's Claw, Wild Lettuce, White Willow Bark, Skullcap, Valerian!. These last two have anti-prostaglandin effects!. The Valerian may make you sleepy if you take very much!.

3!. Topically, Camphor oil and Tea Tree oil stop pain!. Lavender is excellent to stop spasm, as is Chamomile!. Don't dilute them, just dab them on "neat!." Heat will help the muscle to relax!. Arnica extract works well!. If you have a chance to shop, buy an analgesic cream made for sore muscles, like Boiron or B & T brand!. To speed healing, apply a warm poultice of Comfrey leaf once a day for 3-4 weeks!.

Been there, did the doctor route (all that $ & he wanted me to take Vioxx), bought the shoes and worked 8-9-hours days standing up all the time!.Www@Youqa@Cn

In this case no way
!.!. !.!. !.!.
A bone spur as you have will wear a hole in the foot skin and that will cause you more trouble that it is worth
!.!. !.!. !.!.
So I guess you will just have to listen to the music
!.!. !.!. !.!.
Hell-o Doctor This is the man with the spur on the foot can you help me please
I know I have already seen you a couple of times but I got to get rid of this pain in the foot can you help me please help me please!?
!.!. !.!. !.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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