How do I mix Bach Flowers on my own?!

Question: How do I mix Bach Flowers on my own!?
hello, my doctor asked me to try Bach flowers!. They seem to do the trick and enjoying them (whether or not it is real or placebo effect i don't care)!. but she mixes them for me and they are expensive! i feel i'm getting ripped off!.

how do i mix them on my own!? i know it has to be bottled water, in a eye drop bottle that has been boiled to starilized!. i know you shouldn't mix more than 6 or 7 max!. do you suggest adding brandy or another liquor!?

does anyone have specifics on how to mix them and how to ensure i'm doing it right!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Bach has a website where you will find most, if not all your questions answered!. http://www!.bachcentre!.com There is also an email address to write in specific questions!.

This is from the site's FAQ: "Alcohol helps stop the water from going off, so you might add alcohol if the bottle will not be kept cool - if, say, you intend to carry it about in your pocket all the time!. A teaspoon of brandy - about 5mls - is enough!. Other 'non-alcoholic' ways of keeping the contents fresh include keeping the bottle in a fridge, or adding a teaspoon of cider vinegar or vegetable glycerine!."

Bach remedies aren't cheap!. If you know what she is mixing for you (and apparently you do) go to the health food store and see how costly they are!. You may also find an informed clerk there to help advise you!.

The following is from the referenced reiki site and is purported to reference a writing by Stefan Ball!. I cannot verify it's accuracy!.

"You can also make up a treatment bottle!. In an empty 30 ml or 1 oz dropper bottle put two drops of each selected remedy and a double dose of Rescue Remedy (if you need it), than top the bottle with non-fizzy bottled mineral water!. Shake the content a little bit!. Take four drops directly on the tongue at least four times a day!. Four drops are the minimum dose!. If you take less it reduces the effectiveness of the remedies!. A 30 ml treatment bottle will last up to three weeks!."Www@Youqa@Cn

Here is a reference that may prove useful to you


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