Do you think that the pancreas if bombarded with enough sugar over years will ever become sluggish in it's ...!

Question: Do you think that the pancreas if bombarded with enough sugar over years will ever become sluggish in it's !.!.!.
production of insulin!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Yes, that is a contributing factor to type 2 diabetes!.

When insulin resistance develops (genetic causes, lifestyle, fat secretions - cause still not pin pointed) the normal glucose uptake muscles (fat & muscle) cannot function correctly!. This leads to increased blood glucose levels!. This hyperglycaemia and continued high sugar intake leads to;
1) Exhaustion of the beta cells of the pancrease (these secrete insulin) as it tries to overcome the insulin resistance!. Eventually the cells will die/ nont function at all and the person will get full blown type 2 diabetes
2) glucotoxicity of the pancrease (and other organs) due to the constantly high blood glucose levels!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Ummmmm I think that could be very very true hey!.!.!.!.If I can recall my biology teacj\her who wants taught me said somethin like that (tho I could be very wrong)!.!.!.!.but I guess thats why many older people are getn diabetes =PWww@Youqa@Cn

it will affect its ability to create insulin!.

that's what diabetes is my dear!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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