What do you think of a doctor that figures out how to treat you by asking God in prayer ofr the answer?!

Question: What do you think of a doctor that figures out how to treat you by asking God in prayer ofr the answer!?
Like Dr Overman did when he found his cure for mad cow disease!?


he is a sadly deluded and truly bizarre little man!. I'm less concerned about him asking a deity for advice, than I am that he then offers this advice to paying customers!. It sounds like there is an epidemic of brain worms and prions nobody else has ever heard of!. Brains worms!?

and the beard is STILL tackyWww@Youqa@Cn

Asking God is different from God offering - that is if you are neither atheist nor agnostic!. If God was to distribute everything a human prayed for, nobody would work hard!!
There are different ways people derive their strength to concentrate!. Some go to gym, some do yoga, some sing with church choirs etc!. etc!. etc!. etc!. If a scientist prays that helps him(her) to organize/channelize/experiment to further research, I don't see anything wrong in it!. If he is a genius he will find a solution that will convince the rest of the scientists' world and will be accepted by public!. Otherwise, he(she) will spend more time in prayers and less in the laboratory!.
So what do I think of a Dr(PhD/MD)!? It depends on the final substance presented!.Www@Youqa@Cn

exactly the same as I would think of a doctor who asked for a stethoscope from SantaWww@Youqa@Cn

I think he forgot to pay attention in medical school!.Www@Youqa@Cn

i think it is wonderful for asking God first
God is the mighty healerWww@Youqa@Cn

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