Apple Cider Vinegar...?!

Question: Apple Cider Vinegar!.!.!.!?
Currently Im taking Braggs ACV!.!.I've been told it's very good for detoxification of the body etc etc!.!.!.I think its worked quite well for my pimples but that's about it!.!.what your opinion on ACV!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Coolie O!!!!! I'm takn it to!!! But, I usually mix it with cold water!? It changes the taste a little bit!.Www@Youqa@Cn

It definitely does nothing at all!. It does not "detoxify" the liver, nor the kidney!. It is just a myth!. There is NO PROOF, not even ANY DATA to support this BS!. It is a total waste of your time and money!.Www@Youqa@Cn

it definetly cleans out the kidneys and liver so yeah a great detox!! it also helps with metabolism which is great for losing weight!!Www@Youqa@Cn

i dont think it will heal or do anyhting helpful very much
if it could cure so many things the gov would be making you pay alot more for itWww@Youqa@Cn

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