Organic remedy for exema?!

Question: Organic remedy for exema!?
I have developed this in myears its so itchy the dr!. gave me cream at it keeps it at bay but want to cure it!.Www@Youqa@Cn

The symptoms can be relieved topically, but a cure has to come from within!.

1!. Add brown rice and millet to your diet!.

2!. Avoid dairy products, sugar, white flour, fats, fried foods and processed foods!.

3!. Try a gluten-free diet for six weeks, then add gluten-containing foods back to your diet one at a time, and see if the condition changes!. A permanent gluten-free diet often controls all forms of dermatitis, including eczema!.

4!. Do not eat foods containing raw eggs, or eggs with undercooked (runny) yolks, which contain a protein that prevents absorption of biotin, essential for skin and scalp disorders!.

5!. Keep the colon clean!. Eat at least two servings of raw fibrous vegetables (carrots, celery, cauliflower) daily!.Www@Youqa@Cn


I have heard of people getting a lot of relief by cutting out all dairy products!. It might be worth a try for a few weeks!. I would also make sure that when you bathe, soap or shampoo is not getting rinsed all the way from your ears!.
Try this website for alternative medicine trials for exzema

I answered this question just last week for someone else on here, but you obviously didn't see it!. As stated before, I had exzema for 40 years & nothing seemed to help, until a couple of weeks ago when I heard that the inside of a banana peel rubbed on the area would help!. Somewhat skeptical, I tried it & it worked!. My exzema on my hands was cleared up within a week!. Hope this will work for youWww@Youqa@Cn

Coconut oil is excellent for eczema! Here's an article that tells you more: http://www!.healthy-living-for-moms!.com/b!.!.!. !.

Hope that helps!

Healthy MomWww@Youqa@Cn

Oatmeal! Any oatmeal!. Rub on area, it has worked for me for years!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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