Do you think that now that most fruits and vegatables are hybrids the ingestion of them could be causing......!

Question: Do you think that now that most fruits and vegatables are hybrids the ingestion of them could be causing!.!.!.!.!.!.
pathology in the body of many people!? I mean 30 thousand years ago there were not large fruits and big potatos!. Is it possible that our bodies are not ready to ingest such large quantities of carbs that we get because plants are bigger now!? This also goes for large ampounts of hybrid rice and grains!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Ok, you finally hit on a subject that really
pulls my chain!. You are looking at it from a
different perspective, but let me inform you
if I may!.
1)almost all of the prepared breads,cookies,
pies,cakes, etc!. are prepared with HYDROGENATED fats!. (I hope everyone knows what these are) Common language now has reduced this to TRANS-FATS
because the makers don't want people to
know that they take cheap oils and pump
Hydrogen gas into it which makes it
LIKE a shortening!. BUT the body has NO
IDEA what it is!. It is no longer a food and
since the body doesn't know what to do with it, it stores it HERE AND THERE!.!.!.in our hips, our bellies, our arteries!. It increases
our cholesterol count!. And most people
just keep stuffing that phony food into their mouths!.
2) How about all the corn,wheat,rice,oats,
etc!. we eat!? Almost all has now been genetically modified/which means that on the cellular level it has been changed by
chemists to do various things (that the general public knows nothing about!.)
It may be able to now stand harsher winters,
or need less water, or whatever!. sound OK!? It is no longer a grain, it is a chemical
gob that looks like the real thing, but the
body knows better!. This tiny seed is then
made RoundUp ready by Monsanto, who
has FORCED farmers to use their
pseudo-seeds!. These seeds are impregnated with chemicals that kill all
insects that eat them!. the plant also kills
honey bees, butterflies, and many necessary flying pollinators!. Monsanto has
even gone to far as to take farmers to court and sue them for refusing to use their
GMO and RoundUp ready seeds!.
These plants do not produce viable seeds!. A farmer cannot use this year's
seeds for next years crop because they
are sterile!!! More must be bought from
Monsanto-owned companies!.
3)I'm using up too much room and I haven't
even touched on farmed fish, hormones in
the meat,hormones that make a dairy cow's
bag drag on the ground, just so she can
produce more milk!.
Remind me tomorrow and I'll finish this!.Www@Youqa@Cn

No this is not possible!.

True, that fruit and vegetables were smaller back then, as they were wild and not cultivated!. But they were eaten in large quantities!.

Our bodies were designed to ingest large amounts of carbs!. That is why it is recommended by the government of every country with a nutrition policy to eat a diet containing 50-60% carbs!. We need lots of carbs as glucose is the preferred fuel of the brain and the only fuel that can be used by red blood cells!. Protein can produce carbs but not without side effects like ketoacidosis and muscle wastage!.

Pathology is not growing, it is changing!. Think about it, we are living longer than ever before!. This is due to advancements in the treatment of infectious diseases!. So now people are developing not the infectious diseases that killed their ancestors (like polio, pneumonia, tuberculosis, tetanus, etc), we are developing diseases of excess (like cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes)!.

Diseases of excess are from overeating and the nutrient poor, energy dense diet most people consume!. Factors like high saturated fat intake, high salt intake, low physical activity, and obesity are now present in a way that they weren't 30 years ago!. 30 years ago we ate large amounts of carbs and did not have the same pathology that we are seeing now!.Www@Youqa@Cn

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realized you were asking about hybrids, and not GMO food!.!.!.

It's not the size of the food, and is also is not because we're not 'ready to ingest such large quantities of carbs!.!.!.'!.

But you are on to something :-)
Ingesting GMO food isn't healthy for you!.!.!.Simply put, would YOU eat a horse that was genetically modified to have a pig nose, a dog tail, and to have four stomachs!?!? Most likely, you wouldn't!.!.!.This is what genetically modifying/bioengineering food is--Selecting specific traits for foods to contain!.

The reason of us ''not being ready to ingest such!.!.!."!.!.!. This is not true!. In ancient times, gluttony wasn't a fad as it is today!. People were healthier, skinnier, and more fit back then because they did not eat over proportionized foods, did not eat GMO's, and it was hardly possibly for them to eat empty calories (calories that don't contain any nutrients and is converted to fat--such as pop tarts, etc)!.

These days, it is not because we're not ready to, we will NEVER be ready too, because our bodies are made to eat specifically proportioned meals, and today we eat tripple as much food in a single meal as they did in ancient times, when we don't need to eat this much!.

I hope this helps,

Good luck,Www@Youqa@Cn

Stepping out on a limb here, note that the Creator instructed us "Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee!." (Lev!. 19:19 KJV)

However, I don't think that's talking about hybridization!. A hybrid is formed in a pretty "natural" way by selectively culling plants that produce small fruit or are most susceptible to disease!. I think seed-mingling is talking about grafting fruit so we get new stuff like pluots (apricot & plum mixed) or deliberately modifying different kinds of plants or seeds to come up with a new kind - not larger or sweeter, but NEW!. Genetic modification most definitely fits into this taboo!.

What we are all doing is probably worse for our health!. We are ingesting huge amounts of carbs with no more effort than steering our automobile up to the drive-thru window to hand over money!. No corn planted, hoed, watered, harvested, dried, ground between two rocks, mixed with oil from olives just as hard-won, patted into cakes and baked on a fire from wood we cut and hauled!. So we eat too much and obtain it with very little physical exertion (most of us don't dig ditches by hand anymore)!. This makes us more susceptible to disease!. Plus, the corn (wheat, rice, etc!.) has had the husk or germ or other important part removed before we eat it!.

The worst thing about hybrid seed is that our dependence on it has caused us to let the old original plants fade almost to nonexistence!. But Seed Savers and others are helping us to be aware and to help those heirloom plants make a come-back!. Just the other day I bought some Moon & Stars watermelon seeds at a grocery store!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I doubt it!. There is more likely to be problems with genetically engineered foods than with natural hybrids (natural in the sense that the genes are as nature intended!.!.!.just crossed with plants they would not necessarily cross with in the wild)!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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