Natural ways to control or get rid of diabetes?!

Question: Natural ways to control or get rid of diabetes!?
can taking cinnamon pills prevent or help stableize!? if so how much and what else will help!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Loose the sugar and carbs!. not easy I know but try and keep it to a minimum!.
Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables!. loose most if not all grains from diet!.
Most important to help control blood sugar : Chromium Picolanate!., Alpha Lapolic Acid, and L- Carnatine!.
Extra help from Ginco Baloba, Fish oil ( a good brand )!.
I used this formula and didn't listen to the pill pushers and I am now cured for three years!. Good luckWww@Youqa@Cn

Foods with a low GI index are the best and cashews and peanuts are examples of foods that have a very low GI index whereas dried dates and corn flakes are examples of foods that have a very high GI index and are therefor not recommended for people with diabetes problems!.

GI Index Tables can be found in a web search for "glycemic index tables"!.

Perhaps you might also wish to investigate a web search for cinnamon + diabetes!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Cinnamon may be an effective addition to a complete diabetes formula, but by itself it does not have a strong empirical track record of reversing diabetes!. Certainly, bitter melon, devil's club root, and fenugreek are more interesting choices as primary herbs in a diabetes formula!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Some of the most popular and most beneficial supplements for blood sugar health aside from Cinnamon are Gymnema Sylvestre, Mulberry, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Bitter Melon (Momordica), Fenugreek Seed, Vanadium, and Chromium!.
If you are diabetic, your best bet is to talk to a qualified healthcare practitioner!.!.!. the main reason is that any of these can give you too much or not enough support if you don't take the proper dose for you and your situation and too much or too little support can be a bad thing!. And I would never recommend going by some random article to get the proper dosage for you because whoever writes that article doesn't know your situation, blood sugar levels, or how much/little support you need!.!.!. you might get an unjustified confidence from the recommendations that might end up giving you trouble down the line!.

Having a proper diet is a good way to help your blood sugar, but as most diabetics can tell you, it's better to have support with that so it's not potentially life-threatening when you want to "cheat" a little or when you inadvertently eat something with sugar!. Any of these options are very beneficial for maintaining a healthy balance of blood sugar!. Good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

No Supplement or magic potion can save you! The good news is that Type II diabetes is almost 100% lifestyle related!. If you eat optimally and exercise you will see the changes that you want to see!.

One study showed that a 45 minute fast walk several times per week gave twice the benefits of the leading diabetes drug!. Combine this with a healthy diet and nothing will be able to stop you from reaching your goals!.

Drugs, pills and potions are not the answer!. It is that mentality that got you in this mess!. Only a lifestyle change will give you lasting and permenant results!.Www@Youqa@Cn

No!.!.!.but diabetes almost all type 2 diabetes can be treated by changing your diet!.

Get a copy of the book "The Rosedale Diet"!. Read it and follow the directions!. It should get your diabetes under control!.

Neither cinnamon pills or any other supplement will do diddly squat!. But changing your diet will!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Cinnamon!.!.!.a couple gms a day if you take them in supplement form!.

Dr Richard Becker D!.O in his book!.!.!.Foundations for Healing has the following Recommendations:

B-complex: 50mg twice daily
Vit C: 1gram daily
Vit A: 8,000 IU daily
Vit E: 400 IU daily
Calcium: 1 gram daily
Magnesium 500 mg daily
Sea kelp: 1 gram daily
Chrominum picolinate: 400-800 micrograms daily
start with 200 micrograms daily, check blood sugars
regularly and advance as far up as 800 micrograms
Fish,flaxsee,primrose, or borage seed oil: 3grams daily
Alpha lipoic acid: 300 mg daily
Grape seed extract:200mg daily
Beta glucan: 10mg, 1 or 2 capsules daily
CoQ10: 60 mg daily

The best, most important things you can do are to eat a diet low in sugars and simple carbohydrates, exercise moderately at least 3 times per week and maintain a healthy weight!.

Certain herbs can assist you in your efforts, cinnamon is one and, I believe, stinging nettles made into an infusion taken about a quart per day can help, but unless you do the work of making healthy choices regarding your diet, exercise and life style, your succcess will be limited!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I know many diabetics who are using The Zone Diet and have had better health!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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