What is it about cannabis that makes you thirsty?!

Question: What is it about cannabis that makes you thirsty!?
A couple of the side effects of cannabis is becoming really thirsty and also getting red eyes!. What is it about cannabis that dehydrates the body!? Is it dehydrating the body!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Generally speaking drugs of all kinds have some direct or indirect effect on homeostasis in your body!. Your body uses 30-40% of it's energy simply maintaining a state of dynamic equilibrium (temperature, blood concentration, dopamine production) and so any change will have a chain reaction of side effects which result in repurcussions elsewhere in the body!. Ultimately there is no way of knowing the exact path these side effects take to causing dry mouth since there are so many toxins in a joint, it could be any combination of a multitude of reasons!. I know for example a very good mate of mine actually gets wetmouth from weed and ends up spitting all over the damn place (and it really really pisses me off)!.

I think at the most basic level any chemical or physical change which triggers the body into thinking it's under threat in some way (panic, stress, sex, drugs) will switch it into some degree of "survival" mode - this is the same as when you hear a gunshot, or stand next to a speaker at a club - preparation for "fight or flight"!. Your body will try to soak up everything it might need to "survive" the situation - and that usually means water and energy!.

The other cause could be simply that because THC acts on the brain (which has the highest rate of water usage of any other organ, and is also the top priority for any water available) it gets thirsty quicker and takes water from anywhere it can get it - and what source could be nearer than the mouth!?Www@Youqa@Cn

it is the toxins in the drug that your body wants to be rid of, so it makes you thirsty and your eyes get red because of the vascualrity there and the ability to secrete tears to wash the toxins out!. In other words, it's a foreign substance and the body treats it that way!.Www@Youqa@Cn

its called cotton mouth!. cannabis makes you hungry and thirsty yep~Www@Youqa@Cn

its the THC contentWww@Youqa@Cn

Drugs are bad mmmkWww@Youqa@Cn

man idon't know but like are you hungry2/ i eat anything but man i don't want no water but ilike beer!. i got2 goman seeyaWww@Youqa@Cn

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