Aroma therapy 101?!

Question: Aroma therapy 101!?
I am having trouble sleeping, stress at work and stuff, I want to know whether Aroma therapy and essential oils really work, I want something to relax me,
How to use them, where can I get and stuff like that!. Any info will be greatly appreciatedWww@Youqa@Cn

If you want to use aromatherapy, try relaxing smells, lavender (of coarse) but you can also try spruce, sandalwood, angelica, myrrh, frankincense, or juniper!. There are lots of other kinds too that might help!. Go smell them, if it's soothing and you like it give it a try! Citrus and minty smells, are energizing so try to stay away from those!. Make sure you buy the purest you can find!. I use a brand called garden essence!. If they are pure you can put a drop in your mouth, rub it on your skin (if it burns use a carrier oil like olive oil one part essential to ten drops carrier) you can put some in s pray bottle with water, or you could diffuse it!. I hope that helps and good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

Aromatherapy is not scientifically proven to remedy any medical ailment!. However, science also states that the sense of smell is the sense most intimately connected with your emotional memory!. What this means is that you can surround yourself with scents that bring back pleasant memories!.

If you are having trouble sleeping, think back to a time when you felt most carefree!. Then think of the scents you associate with that memory!. Did you used to bake gingerbread cookies with your grandmother at Christmass!? In that case, ginger would be an excellent scent to help you relax!. You know yourself the best!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Aromatherapy works, but you have to know your own body!. Lavender is a good generic sleep aid!. You can get products like candles, soaps, lotion, bed linen spray in about any Wal-mart store!. Chamomile is good too!. They even have lavender for babies now!. I use the bath wash and oil for my daughter!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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