I think I am getting sick but I have to go to school what should I do?!

Question: I think I am getting sick but I have to go to school what should I do!?
I have a sore throat and a stuffy nose!. It is a friday so I am just going to stick it out for the day!. What medicine should I take for the sore throat!? I already gargled with warm salt water!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Try to drink the reccomended amount of water to keep your fluids up, and get some vitamin c from some fresh fruit, gargling with the salt water should hopefully tame the sore throat!
Im feeling a bit like you today, so thats what im trying to do!
Of course if you get wrose then take a trip to your doctors for a check up, he might prescribe some anti biotics or pain killers depending no what you have!

Get well soon, and over the weekend try and get some sleep and rest!Www@Youqa@Cn

One of the best things to do when you think you're getting a cold or the flu is to rub a good wad of Vicks Vaporub on your feet and put socks on!. Do this before going to bed & half the time you wake up in the morning cured & the illness doesn't even start!. Not sure if you have Vicks in your country, it's a menthol product that people usually rub on their chests after they fall sick, or some people put some in hot water & inhale the vapour to clear their nose!. So whatever product you have in your country that does that, rub it on your feet!.Www@Youqa@Cn

hey did you know steve tyler was from sunapee!.
his house was about 3 miles from mine!.

do you have a fever or any aches and pains except a head ache!.
if you don't have a fever or aches then it may only be alergies the pollen count is high and mold levels are moderate all over the country!.

sometimes sudafed will stop the stuffy nose by drying you out and stopping post nasal drip causing the sore throat!.
I love Aleve Alergy Sinus!. is works on it all!.

go to school if you have the energy!. get a good night sleep!.
and drink lots of water to keep your throat rinsed from what ever is irritating it!.

good luck and feel better soon!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I know what you're going through! I had finals this week and my throat was killing me the night I had to finish a paper and then be up at 6am!.

Get some colloidial silver throat spray from a health food store-- it kills more bacteria than the stupid drug store stuff and it doesn't taste nasty!. Drink as much emergen-C and water as you can stand!. And go to bed early! I also do "conscious breathing" when I'm going to sleep if I think I'm getting sick!. Just lie still and be aware of how you are breathing -- you'll breathe better and fall asleep more easily!.Www@Youqa@Cn

for temporary relief, use hall fruit breezers!. they're wonderful!. also, go to your local pharmacy and pick up and flu & cold medication!. the uses for it usually are cold, sore throat, runny nose, etc!. should work, if not, ask the pharmacist thereWww@Youqa@Cn

get some cough drops to ease your throat and drink some warm tea! Another thing to try is cloraseptic!.!.!. i personally hate the stuff but for some people it works!. hope you feel better!! ^_^Www@Youqa@Cn

don't go to school u will feel even worse take nightquill and take a really long nap it works everytimeWww@Youqa@Cn

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