My daughter has anxiety attacks. she shakes, sweats, heart beat is fast. are there any home or herbal remedies!

Question: My daughter has anxiety attacks!. she shakes, sweats, heart beat is fast!. are there any home or herbal remedies
that can help her!. she is 21 years old!. this happens about 3 times a month!. other than that her life is pretty stress free!. shes healthy, not over wieght, no smoke or drink, excercises regularly!. please help

Bach's Rescue Remedy is always good to have on hand, but her symptoms are of a severity that more may be needed!.

Anxiety disorder may have a genetic component- cases have been linked to a harmless abnormality of the heart, and many experts believe that panic attacks are caused by a malfunction in brain chemistry!.

Whatever the cause, the following nutrients may help:

Multivitamin & mineral complex
Vitamin C
(For nutritional balance and adrenal support)

Calcium 2000 mg daily - a natural tranquilizer
Magnesium 600 mg daily - relieves tension, spasms, tics
B-1 50mg 3 times daily - has a calming effect on the nerves!.
B-6 50mg 3 times daily - important in the production of certain brain chemicals!.
Zinc- 50 mg daily - can have a calming effect
Chromium Picolinate - 200 mcg!. daily - Chromium deficiency can produce symptoms of anxiety!.Www@Youqa@Cn

If you're looking for an herbal remedy, then St!. John's Wort is the only thing I can think of!. It's not effective for everyone!. When she's having the anxiety attack, she can also massage her carotid artery!. These are the arteries that are right next to the trachea (windpipe) in the throat!. Make sure that she only massages ONLY ONE and NOT BOTH, because this could cause her heart to stop!. Massaging one carotid artery will slow down her heart rate and decrease her blood pressure, forcing her body to calm down from the anxiety attack!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Why are her adrenal glands stressed out!? You've just listed all the symptoms of adrenal exhaustion due to our modern diets even if you think she is eating well!.

Is she doing any hoodia, any caffeine, energy drinks, artificial sweeteners such as the pink, yellow or blue packets or diet sodas or splenda, is she going through hypoglycemia because she needs more protein for her genetic disposition!?

Has she ever been on at any time on Zoloft, Paxil, or any SSRI redux inhibitor medication(s)!?

Has she been eating low fat/low calorie and skipping much needed healthy high fiber and protein snacks to fill in the gaps for her fast metabolism because she exercises regularly!? Let me explain why she may need to eat more often in smaller portions!.!.!. Because, a phenomenon happens called ketosis (the body eating away muscle) and the symptoms you've mentioned due to adrenal exhaustion from not eating enough protein to compensate for speeding up her metabolism for exercising regularly can cause these symptoms as well!.

Let's get at the cause rather than chasing symptoms with herbs which is the drug mentality and stop masking the symptoms!. Forgive me and let me explain!.!.!.

To chase ones tail by masking symptoms is a constant battle of reformulating things like herbs every time they lose their efficacy or the hormonal signals change and you need to reformulate again!.!.!. Just like drug prescriptions!. You have to keep coming back and re doing what seemed to work for a while and then stopped working!. You quited the alarm but its still going off!.

Although herbs are less toxic, its still the same thought process as drugs!.

If you begin to think correctly, there are 4 core systems of the body that need to be supported to support her endocrine system and to bring back her normal even smooth moods, and level of calm and focus!.

Message me and I will be glad to discuss what may be happening and you can explore this and become empowered with knowledge that not only helps your daughter but you gain knowledge that helps you as well!.

My questions and way of communicating with you may seem complicated!.!.!. But the answer may be very simple!

Have a great day!Www@Youqa@Cn

I'm sorry to hear this!. But there is hope for her!.
I have experienced these anxiety attacks since my late teens!. I'm now fifty one and don't have any at all to speak of!. It would be nice to take the herbal route, but if she is having these attacks as often as you say, she will need medication that is addictive to get her body, and mind, out of the rhythm it is now in!. Please don't be offended by the way I'm saying this, but I've been there!. I'd rather see her get proper medical attention for this as soon as possible, than to keep letting her go through the attacks!
Reassure her that no matter how bad the attacks are they will not be fatal!! It's scary and I wish you luck!!!Www@Youqa@Cn

remember that the best medicine for any health complaint is checking the triangle of good and healthy life styles!. that is proper healthy, good and balance nutrition, exercise and sleep!. you already mentioned that she's healthy, not over weight, not smoking or drink and exercise regularly!. but please check and make sure that she consumes only healthy and balance eating program!. it is about the balance, well chosen, good low calorie and low glycemic carbohydrate, good protein and good fat!.

if she is pretty stress free doesn't mean that she has sufficient, appropriate and good quality sleep!. so please make sure that she gets enough (at least 6-7 hours) good sleep at night time!.

if she got problem with good sleep try to learn basic meditation or self hypnosis method!. it works well for any sleep problem!.

don't forget that the noble prize winner on nutrition said that the best and the most powerful medicine is the right and balance eating program!. the skill and knowledge in nutrition is a must and about the best of your time and energy investment for you and your family!. it is not only needed when someone over weight or for weight loss program but also to keep healthy and cure or heal most of serious health problem!.

see my blog for your further reference:


she may consider hydrotherapy, such as gradual cold showers and/or head-out hot showers/hot baths!. These have not been tested in clinical trials, but I personally find them beneficial!. She may need to talk to a doc before trying this, although I cannot say that there are any appreciable side effects!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Calming herbs: St!. John Wort, kava-kava, hops, chamomile, passionflower, valerian
Amino acid supplements: 5HTP and GABA

If it only happens 3 times a month, maybe she has a food allergy or is sensitive to something she's eating!.

I have had very good results with Bach Rescue Remedy, Calming Essence, and the Stress-Relax products from Natural Factors!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Make her some chamomile tea and teach her to slow down and become mindful of her breathing!. This all only helps so much but it can work if she really becomes open to it!.
A doctor can prescribe xanax, which is good but can be addictive!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Relagen is an 100% all natural product that effectively addresses the diverse and debilitating symptoms of STRESS, ANXIETY, and DEPRESSION!.

Best is to consult with your doctor, for alternate medicine contact Dr!. Weil at University Medical Center at TucsonWww@Youqa@Cn

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